It has been announced today that Liontrust has entered into an agreement with Alliance Trust Plc, to purchase all share capital of Alliance Trust Investment Limited...
Impax Asset Management (“Impax”) the specialist investment manager focused on environmental markets and related resource efficiency sectors, today welcomed the recommendations outlined in the Financial Stability...
Aquila Capital has made an investment in the three-digit million euro range in a photovoltaic park in Tomakomai, Hokkaido in the north of Japan on behalf...
The London Borough of Southwark Pension Fund has become the largest in the UK to commit to start moving away from investments in fossil fuels. The pension...
Today will see the Financial Stability Board’s Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures, chaired by Michael Bloomberg release its Recommendation Report and open a stakeholder...
Conclusions Drawn from latest Market Intelligence paper ‘ESG Scrutiny: Lessons from Manager Selection’ Environmental, social and governance considerations continue to rise strongly in importance among investors with...
Sustainability is the ability to endure in a way that enables the population of our planet to afford, at least, the basic quality of life. However,...
A £15m investment facility for social investors to fund large-scale community-led housing projects has been launched today by Big Society Capital. The Community-led Housing Facility will...
Last week in London saw Brazilian companies underline their intention on green bonds and green securities. CPFL Renováveis, Klabin and Ecoagro foreshadowed potential green bond issuance to...
One in five professionally managed dollars in the US is now invested with environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in mind, according to the latest data...
Over the past few years one topic has dominated the world of fundraising and awareness: The environment. What was once the preserve of a small band...
Impax Asset Management Group plc (“Impax” or the “Company”), the AIM quoted investment manager focused on environmental markets and related resource efficiency sectors, today reports final...
Index investing strategies – also referred to as passive investing – are rapidly growing as a proportion of the market. In 2016, passive equity vehicles accounted...
Private Finance For Energy Efficiency (PF4EE): EUR 75m to boost corporate energy efficiency investment in Belgium. Smart Cities, Climate Action & Circular Economy: an additional EUR...
Hermes Investment Management, the £28.6 billion manager that delivers superior, sustainable and risk adjusted responsible returns to its clients, has released a paper revealing that institutional...