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ECIU Comment on UK Energy Network Report



The Energy and Climate Change Committee has released a report today which focuses on the UK’s energy network. The Low Carbon Network Infrastructure document highlights areas including connecting new energy sources, a flexible energy system and network governance and regulation. The Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit has commented on the report.

Dr Jonathan Marshall, Energy Analyst at the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU), said: “Without knowing what the future will hold, in terms of cost implications of storage and new generation types, the move to a decarbonised electricity supply will be made easier – and cheaper – if a grid is in place to enable all technologies to compete on a level playing field, ensuring that the most cost efficient will prevail.

“The UK electricity grid is crying out for investment, and is currently stuck in a mould that favours old fashioned, centralised power stations that do not allow new technologies to compete fairly. Without swift and efficient upgrades, the system will continue to favour ageing power stations which, as we saw in May’s NISM, are becoming increasingly subject to failure.

“Proposals to upgrade the gas grid to encourage district heating are also welcome, enabling the cost effective and environmentally friendly implementation of large scale heating networks.

“The energy industry is desperate for continuity, with the latest call for stable policy coming from the Energy Institute just this week. By investing in grid upgrades that will last for decades, investors will begin to regain confidence and reignite interest in UK energy infrastructure.”


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