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Ed Miliband says: “the Paris climate change conference can save the planet”



Former Labour leader and Climate Change Secretary Ed Miliband writes on “We have moved from a world where everyone said it was someone else’s problem, to one where everyone knows this can be only be solved collectively.

“We are not in a world of business as usual… The right step now would be for Britain to become the first major country to enshrine net zero emissions in law, with the date determined by advice from the independent Committee on Climate Change.”

Responding to the call for the UK to enshrine a zero carbon emissions target in law, WWF-UK Head of Public Affairs Ben Stafford said: “Global emissions will need to be reduced to near zero by the end of the century, and the government should play a more assertive role in ensuring this happens.  Establishing a legally binding UK target would provide vital leadership internationally and help persuade investors that we are serious about building a cleaner economy.”


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