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Friends of the Earth pledge support in solar subsidy judicial review against Ed Davey



Campaign group Friends of the Earth (FoE) have this week pledged their support for a legal challenge against the Department for Environment and Climate Change (DECC) for plans to cut subsidies to solar power.

The legal challenge is being led by a solar conglomerate made up of the industry’s largest players, including TCG Renewables, Solarcentruy, Lark Energy, and Orta Solar Farms.

Joined now by FoE in an open letter submitted to the court, the movement have pledged to challenge the proposals set by environment secretary Ed Davey and his sudden and unilateral withdrawal of support for solar in the UK.

Andrew Pendleton, head of campaigns at Friends of the Earth, said, “We are very concerned that DECC is once again attempting what may be a retrospective change to legislation – which is why we are backing the case for judicial review.

“This is not about saying that support systems for solar cannot change, but about making sure it is done in a transparent and timely way.


“Solar power is now the second cheapest low carbon power source, and with firm government support could be a major contributor to Britain’s energy future.”

The challenge was submitted earlier this year in August with a court date expected to be announced in the autumn, making it the third time legal action has been brought against DECC regarding unlawful solar policies in three years.

Ben Cosh, managing director of TGC Renewables, said, “We are delighted that Friends of the Earth have today given their support for the judicial review.

“Solar energy is tantalisingly close to becoming subsidy free, meaning cheaper bills for consumers, and we want to achieve this goal as quickly as possible. All we need from Ed Davey is stable and lawful policy, but instead he has yet again pulled the rug from under the industry’s feet.


“If successful the judicial review will require DECC to review the consultation process and to conduct a completely new exercise that is lawful and consults on changes rather than impose them retrospectively.”

Photo source: Russ Ferriday via Flickr

Further reading:

Ed Davey faces judicial review over alleged illegal solar policy U-turn

Renewable energy accounted for 15% of UK electricity in 2013

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