New Solar Plus Storage For Homeowners, Housing Associations And Councils By Moixa
Today the UK’s leading home battery company, Moixa, has revealed a £4,995 solar-plus-storage package allowing customers to benefit from the smart power revolution.
The package, targeted at homeowners, housing associations and other landlords, bundles a 2KWh Moixa Smart Battery with a 2KW, eight-panel solar photovoltaic system for an installed price of £4,995 including VAT.
Speaking at the Clean Energy Live exhibition in Birmingham, Chris Wright, Moixa Chief Technology Officer, said: “We believe our solar plus storage deal is a market-leading offer. It will protect
customers from rising electricity prices and allow them to benefit from the smart power revolution, accessing smart tariffs and making money by supporting the development of a reliable, cost-
effective, low-carbon electricity system. We also hope it will provide a boost to the solar installation market, which has been hit by cuts to feed-in-tariffs.”
Customers will typically benefit by around £350 a year in electricity savings from their solar panels and battery and from feed-in-tariff payments. They will also receive £50 annual payments for making their battery capacity available through Moixa’s innovative GridShare aggregation platform to provide services that make the electricity grid more efficient, greener and cheaper to run, such as balancing demand and reducing the need for back-up power from coal, oil and gas.
Customer savings are expected to grow over time. Electricity prices are forecast to rise 17% by 2020, and the introduction of smart tariffs from 2017 will allow customers with batteries to buy power from the grid when it is cheap for use at peak times. Moixa also expects to increase payments to customers as the market for grid services develops.
Moixa has just installed smart batteries in social housing in the London boroughs of Camden and Islington in one of four trials, funded by the National Energy Action charity, to demonstrate how storage and solar PV, coupled with other initiatives, can help lower bills and tackle poverty. Councillor Meric Apak, Cabinet member for Sustainability and Environment at Camden, said:
Solar plus storage is of huge interest to Camden Council.
“Fuel poverty is a very serious issue blighting people of all ages and circumstances nationwide and storing solar energy can be one of the
methods to offer our tenants significant savings to help reduce this burden. This technique helps meet our Green Action for Change environmental targets by actively reducing the carbon footprint across our housing stock.”
Jeremy Leggett, a Moixa investor who is founding director of SolarCentury, an international solar company that is the UK’s largest installer, said: “Solar plus storage has huge potential to decarbonise our electricity system, allowing homes to provide back-up capacity that enables the grid to use more clean renewable power and reducing the need for coal, diesel and gas to meet peak demand.”
Storage and demand flexibility are two of three key innovations in a “smart power revolution” which could save consumers up to £8 billion a year by 2030, according to the National Infrastructure Commission’s Smart Power report, which refers to Moixa and its 250 home battery trial for the Department of Energy and Climate Change.
Moixa has an unrivalled track record in the UK home battery market, with over 10 years of research and development, strong international patents and pilots from 2010. It has installed Moixa Smart batteries in more than 600 homes nationwide with a combined capacity of over 1.3MWh and over five million hours of use. It has worked with councils and housing associations, energy utilities and network operators to deliver more than £5 million of projects.
The Moixa Smart Battery is a compact (50cm x 30cm x 20cm), cost-effective, wall-mounted unit that fits easily into homes and is easily installed. It is an all-in-one Lithium Ion Phosphate battery system, requiring no additional equipment, and AC-coupled, so it can take advantage of smart tariffs by importing electricity from the grid when it is cheap. USB ports allow customers to charge mobile phones and other devices and can support efficient LED lighting, providing power even during outages. It has a 20-year lifespan and comes with an extendable ten-year guarantee.
The solar plus storage offer launches on Monday October 10th and is available to any two-story house with a conventional pitched roof and easy access. Customers can sign up on the Moixa website: www.moixa.com
Moixa has a nationwide network of installers to service the deal. Installers with customers interested in the offer should contact Moixa’s distribution partner PVKits Direct.

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