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Sacred Earth Communities Call for Climate Action



Faith communities across the world will come together on Sunday 12 June to celebrate a day called Sacred Earth, Sacred Trust. The day, which recognises the earth and global action on climate change, will see faith communities in 35 different countries celebrate through actions and events. The 12 June is significant because it marks six months since the end of climate talks in Paris.

The past 12 months have been the hottest consecutive 12 month period in recorded history and the 1.5°C goal agreed upon in the Paris Agreement is looking ever more difficult to achieve. Faith communities taking part in Sacred Earth, Sacred Trust are calling for the acceleration of climate action from countries, businesses and communities globally, in order to keep global temperature rise below 1.5°C and protect the lives of millions of people.

Sacred Earth is part of an escalating wave of climate action from faith communities and follows the Interfaith Climate Change Statement which was handed over to the President of the United Nations General Assembly in New York in April 2016, and was signed by 270 religious leaders from around the world.

Rev. Fletcher Harper, Executive Director of GreenFaith, one of the organisations involved, said, “The earth is an incredible gift, and people of diverse faiths realize that it’s our shared moral responsibility to protect it. On 12 June around the world, representatives of the faiths will show that we want our leaders to restore balance to our precious planet, and to protect our children’s future.”

Diverse actions and events include:


Green Ifars – As Sacred Earth falls within the holy fasting month of Ramadan, the Muslim community will be joining in by hosting ‘Green Iftars’, which is the breaking of the fast. The Iftars will focus around the ‘Prophetic Diet’ focusing on local and sustainable foods.

Encyclical Anniversary – Pope Francis’ Encyclical on the environment ‘Laudato Si’ was released almost a year ago, and starting on June 12, the Catholic community worldwide will be celebrating its anniversary in order to remind communities and governments of its vital message.

Global Solidarity Fast – Organised by Fast for the Climate day long fast with those vulnerable to climate change, special climate focused services and prayers in faith communities globally.

Meditation Actions – Taking place at key locations and online. They are being held on the Mall in Washington DC and outside Shell’s London HQ, as well as an online meditation being organised by the Buddhist group One Earth Sangha


Mobilisations across Latin America – Being organised in Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Honduras, Colombia, Chile and others. These include a major multi-faith action in Santiago’s main square, and a mobilisation bringing together religious leaders, scientists and school children on Guanabara Bay in Rio de Janeiro.

You can find out about these and many other actions and events on the Sacred Earth website.

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