#COP21: World’s Local Leaders Commit To A 100% Renewable Future
Today’s Climate Summit for Local Leaders will commit 1000 mayors and local leaders to “support ambitious long-term climate goals such as a transition to 100% renewable energy in our communities, or a 80% greenhouse gas emissions reduction by 2050”.
From the summit, Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo tweeted: “The mayors of the world are ready for 100% renewable energy between now and 2050.”
The summit declaration will be delivered to the global negotiations at COP21, where a long-term goal to phase out fossil fuels is being discussed. Local leaders are also pledging action to bridge up to 30% of the emissions gap left by national pledges between now and 2030. The full text of the declaration will be delivered to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon around 18:00 CET.
Actor and UN ambassador Leonardo DiCaprio (pictured) told the summit in his speech, “We can meet the world’s energy demand with 100% clean renewable energy using existing technologies by 2050, and avoid many of the unthinkable effects of climate change. To do this, local and regional leaders like all of you must move quickly to enact policies that support a transition to low carbon transportation, energy efficient buildings, better waste management and renewable energy.
“Model cities like Vancouver, Sydney, Stockholm and Las Vegas have already committed to using 100% renewable energy in the coming decades. So to all the mayors and governors in this room today, I implore you to join with your peers to commit to moving to no less than 100% renewable energy as soon as possible. Do not wait another day.”
Also speaking at the Summit, Mayor of Sydney Clover Moore said: “We’ve developed a master plan to power the city of Sydney with 100% renewable energy by 2030. We’re building this transition from the ground up, showing negotiators here in Paris that they can and must commit to 100% clean energy and an end to fossil fuels as soon as possible.
Using wind and solar for electricity and harnessing waste for a city-wide renewable heating and cooling system, Sydney can become a 100 per cent renewable city. It’s inspiring to see the growing number of cities, communities and companies shifting to 100% clean energy all around the world.”

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