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5 PPC Advertising Tips for Eco-Friendly Businesses

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There are a lot of eco-friendly marketing ideas that you can practice. One of them is PPC marketing.

Are you running a PPC ad campaign for your eco-friendly business? If so, you likely have the advantage over your competitors. Many eco-friendly businesses, including nonprofit organizations, don’t take full advantage of all the marketing channels available. Many will run social media marketing campaigns, but only a small number use pay-per-click ads.

If you’re ready to get big results with paid ads, here are five tips to help you run a successful PPC ad campaign for your eco-friendly business.

1. Run ads on alternative platforms

People who are committed to supporting eco-friendly businesses tend to gather on alternative platforms. In addition to running ads on Google and Facebook, run some ads on platforms like Yahoo!, Bing, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Taboola.


Using these alternative platforms will help you generate leads and sales quickly and easily. Running PPC ad campaigns on alternative sites is cheaper than Google, and you’ll probably have less competition.

The best part about using alternative PPC ad channels is you’ll get fewer irrelevant clicks. Alternative channels tend to be more targeted since the audiences are smaller.

2. Target people who want to learn more about your cause

Most people think of PPC ads as a way to generate immediate sales, but that’s not the only way to use paid ads. You can also use paid ads to educate your target market and influence them over time to become a customer or client.

Not every person in your target market will be ready to buy. Many people will be in the research phase where they’re trying to gather as much information as possible. You want to target these people with your ads.


You can persuade people over time by nurturing them through the various stages of their research. For instance, start publishing in-depth educational content on your website and direct people to those pages through PPC ads.

Use your content to get people interested by giving them as much relevant information as possible. Give people a reason to be interested in your brand and content beyond just one article.

Once you have PPC ads running to help people learn more about your cause, you can use remarketing to take those same people on a deeper journey.

3. Remarketing gives you PPC superpowers

It’s easier to convert someone who is already familiar with your product or service. With remarketing, you can serve new ads to people who have already clicked on your previous ads.


Remarketing gives you more control over how people move through your sales funnel. You can intentionally create content just for those people – content designed to answer their questions and influence them toward making a purchase.

Remarketing is a complex marketing strategy, so unless you’re experienced, it’s best to hire a professional ad agency to manage your campaign.

4. Get a second opinion on your market’s demographics

Determining your target market’s demographics isn’t as easy as it seems. It’s easy enough to define your target market just by thinking about who you believe will use your product. However, that method won’t provide you with an accurate demographic profile.

The only way to define your target market is to perform market research. You need access to real data regarding what kinds of people are interested in your industry or niche. What you find might surprise you. For example, many business owners mistakenly believe they are their own target market. In reality, they aren’t.


Another dilemma is that many consumers say they support eco-friendly brands and ideologies, but don’t walk their talk. This makes targeting serious buyers much harder in the eco-friendly world. You don’t want to generate clicks from people who are just casually interested in your products – you want clicks from people who will buy your products.

If you haven’t performed extensive market research to determine your target demographics, get a second opinion. People that buy from eco-friendly businesses tend to be different than regular customers. They are usually more liberal and better educated. Understanding their demographics is a very important step to create a thriving green business.

Hire a professional to perform market research in your industry and for your specific products. Take the guesswork out of pinpointing your market, apply what you learn, and your PPC ad success will increase.

5. Copy your competitors

Without committing copyright infringement, use your competitors’ ads as a template to create your own ads. Follow their lead in terms of style, tone, and verbiage. Pay special attention to the verbs and adjectives used, including calls to action.


If you’re still trying to figure out what kind of ads and landing pages work best for your niche, copying your competitors is a great place to start.

Reach eco-friendly consumers with PPC ads

You already know your market exists – you just need to reach them. PPC ads are a great way to reach leads who are ready to buy and those still researching.

The key to making PPC ad campaigns work is to thoroughly define your target market. Once your market is defined, it’s all about strategy. You can design your own ads and experiment, but you’ll get better results when you hire a professional agency.


Larry Alton is a professional blogger, writer and researcher who contributes to a number of reputable online media outlets and news sources, including, and, among others. In addition to journalism, technical writing and in-depth research, he’s also active in his community and spends weekends volunteering with a local non-profit literacy organization and rock climbing. Follow him on Twitter and LinkedIn.


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