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Introducing: The Guide to Sustainable Philanthropy 2014



The Guide to Sustainable Philanthropy 2014 looks at the current state of charitable giving – and delves into where the future of philanthropy lies.

At Blue & Green Tomorrow, we most of our time writing about sustainable investment, which is about balancing the needs of society and the environment while also making a healthy financial return. But another important and popular use for money is philanthropy or charity, which, like sustainable investment, is about balancing the needs of society and the environment – but this time because it’s simply the right thing to do.

Leading from the front are some of the world’s richest people – Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Richard Branson and co. The Sunday Times’s annual giving list outlined recently that more than 280 individuals featured on its acclaimed rich list had collectively given away £2.387 billion to charity in the past year. This includes the Sainsbury family, who in donations and through its network of trusts gave away £165.3m – or 30.62% of their wealth.

But of course, it’s not just the super-rich doing their bit. The average Briton gives £10 to charity a month, according to the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF). In a 2013 survey of CAF customers, 97% said their motivation for giving was their personal values and 96% their morals or ethics.

The Guide to Sustainable Philanthropy 2014 takes a look at the philanthropists who are truly changing the world for the better, while also casting an eye on how the future of giving might look. With a range of important social and environmental issues increasing in prominence, the chief causes people give to are slowly changing. Only time will tell whether their good work will be enough.


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