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New Mayor Must Clean Up Our Air



Elections took place across the UK last week, including the vote to decide who would become the next Mayor of London. Sadiq Khan topped the polls and now campaigners want to know what he’s going to do to tackle air pollution in the capital.

Areeba Hamid, Air Pollution Campaigner at Greenpeace, said: “We congratulate Sadiq Khan on winning the election. With victory comes responsibility for the air that eight million people breathe, and right now that air is often poisonous. Sadiq’s time in office will be judged on whether London’s kids are breathing much cleaner air in four years’ time.

“To make sure they do, within his first 100 days, he should launch a consultation on a Clean Air Zone covering most of the city. Air pollution kills ten thousand Londoners a year, but by phasing out the most polluting cars, investing in public transport and getting people walking & cycling the new mayor can save a huge number of lives. This is the one pressing issue in Sadiq’s in-tray that really cannot wait.”


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