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How to Reduce Industrial Waste

Shutterstock Licensed Photo - By Thongchai S



The amount of industrial waste that is produced each day is something which needs to be considered. Many businesses are not even totally aware of all of the industrial waste that they are producing and so it is important to understand what this is and how to prevent it. In this article, we are going to look at how to reduce industrial waste so keep reading if you’d like to find out more.

Why Reduce Industrial Waste?

Believe it or not, reducing the amount of industrial waste that you produce has more benefits than simply helping the environment. One of the great things about reducing your industrial waste is that you can actually save a lot of money. A great example of this is in GMA Garnet recycling which can both save money and find a better way of disposing of used garnet. Make sure to follow our tips if you want to save yourself money and help to reduce the amount of industrial waste in the world right now.

Consider Your Raw Materials

Our first tip on how you can reduce industrial waste output is to consider the raw materials that you use. Many companies use recycled raw materials in order to keep the cycle going and manufacture their product for a lower price. If you think that your business could benefit from recycling raw materials, make sure to get involved with this as soon as possible and you will soon start reaping the benefits.

Reduce Your Packaging

One of the biggest things that will be contributing to the amount of industrial waste that you produce is the packaging that you use.If your product has a lot of unnecessary packaging, consider opting for a lighter design that will still keep the product intact. If you really want to make a difference, consider using recycled packaging to make sure that you are able to reduce the amount of industrial waste that you produce.


Get Rid of Bottled Water

Another thing that you should consider when reducing the amount of industrial waste that your business produces is to get rid of bottled water. When your employees are able to purchase a new bottle every day onsite or they bring in their own and don’t recycle it – you’ll find that your waste levels are going up. One way to avoid this is to encourage your staff to use reusable cups and install some watercoolers that they can fill these up with. Bottled water does not need to be present on your premises so make sure to let your staff know that there are other more sustainable ways that they can drink water when working.

Food Waste

If you run a big company, it is likely that you have a lot of staff that eat food on your premises each day. It is then also likely that a lot of this food is simply disposed of without any consideration to recycling. One way that you can help to reduce your overall industrial waste is to install some food waste bins and encourage your staff to use them. You could put up some signs or create an incentive scheme that makes your staff want to recycle more. Recycling your food waste can be a really effective way of sending less food to a landfill and you’ll be able to help the planet a little more at a time.

Think About Exchanging

Our final tip to help to reduce the amount of industrial waste that you produce is to consider exchanging your waste. When it comes to different industries, different raw materials are used and sometimes the waste that you are producing can actually be used for another company’s raw materials. This can benefit you if you are able to exchange your waste with another industry as you’ll be able to save money on your raw materials as well as reducing the amount of industrial waste that you output.

Final Thoughts

Reducing industrial waste that your company produce every day is important in turning your business into one that runs efficiently. You’ll also save money on the costs which means that you’ll be able to make a higher profit overall. Why not consider recycling your raw materials like those companies in the garnet industry do? Or encouraging your staff to recycle more when it comes to their food waste and water drinking habits. There are so many things that you can do that will help how your business runs so make sure to take all of these tips on board. Don’t be afraid to contact other businesses across the various industries if you think that you could benefit from a waste exchange programme!


Brenda Cagara is a part of the business consultant team RIZ & MONA in Dubai. Her work is to assist the formation of companies in different states of UAE. Other services she takes a part in are visa processing, trade license, trade mark, bank account opening, product registration and local sponsors. Along with this, she vigilantly manages to pursue her writing career. Since the past five years, she has been writing on different niches. The top ones are business, taxation and finance.


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