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10 Ways to Be an Eco-Friendlier Golfer



You might not immediately associate golf with green living, but as a player, you can significantly impact the environment. Golf courses span large areas and often consume considerable resources, leading to potentially damaging effects on our planet. But don’t hang up your club yet! 

In this article, we’ll explore several innovative and practical methods that can help you step up your game while also stepping down your ecological footprint on and off the green.

How to Become a More Eco-Friendly Golfer

In this section, we explore actionable tips for becoming an eco-friendlier golfer. Let’s dive right in and see how you can reduce your carbon footprint while enjoying the sport you love.

1. Use Renewable Energy Powered Golf Carts

If you’re a golfer who’s serious about being eco-friendly, consider switching to golf carts powered by renewable energy. These eco-conscious alternatives can run on solar energy or biofuels. 


Renewable-energy golf carts generate fewer emissions than traditional gas-powered or electric carts. This greatly reduces your on-course carbon footprint and aids in preserving the environment. You’ll be saving the environment while enjoying your game in an innovative way.

2. Implement Things That Protect Your Investment

Implementing measures that protect your investments is an essential aspect of being a responsible golfer, both for the benefit of your pocket and our environment. The more you spend protecting what you already own, the lower the possibility that you’ll have to throw it out.

From applying golf cart seat protection and covers to your ride to storing and cleaning your golf clubs after every game, there’s a lot you can do to preserve your belongings and the Earth. 

3. Walk Instead of Riding

Walking instead of riding is perhaps one of the simplest ways to reduce your carbon footprint on the golf course. Although golf carts can be convenient, they can still consume energy.


By choosing to walk, you negate this energy usage and get to enjoy a great workout in the process. The average golfer burns approximately 1,000 calories walking an 18-hole course! Plus, being closer to nature enhances your appreciation for the environment.

4. Adopt Organic Golf Balls 

A key step in becoming an eco-friendly golfer is to adopt organic golf balls. These balls are biodegradable and are made from natural rubber and other types of plant-based filler materials. 

Unlike traditional golf balls that can take hundreds of years to decompose, these eco-friendly alternatives break down much quicker, causing less harm to wildlife and their habitats. By using organic golf balls, you’re playing your favorite sport while contributing to preserving the planet.

5. Use Recycled Tees

Switching to recycled tees can make a surprising difference. Traditional golf tees, made from plastic or wood, contribute to the massive amounts of waste found on golf courses. 


On the other hand, recycled tees are manufactured from previously used materials and are often biodegradable. By opting for these sustainable tees over their traditional counterparts, you lessen the environmental impact of your game and promote the industry-wide adoption of these tees.

6. Buy Second Hand Equipment 

One of the rewarding ways to become a more eco-friendly golfer is by purchasing second-hand equipment. Not only does this practice promote recycling, but it also helps you save money. 

By choosing to buy these pre-owned clubs, bags, balls, or even clothing items, you’re giving them a second life and avoiding unnecessary production waste and energy usage associated with manufacturing new products. It’s a win-win situation for both you and the environment.

7. Limit Water Usage 

Excessive water usage is a big environmental concern. This can be addressed in part by practicing on drought-resistant golf courses or using at-home virtual golf simulators. 


If you own a private practice area, consider installing synthetic turf to minimize the need for regular watering. By supporting such initiatives and making conscious decisions, you’re contributing to water conservation efforts and becoming an eco-friendly golfer one step at a time.

8. Preserve Wildlife Habitats 

Golf courses are often situated in beautiful, natural landscapes that are home to various species. As an eco-minded golfer, take this opportunity to become a guardian of these wildlife habitats. 

Adhere strictly to course boundaries and stay on designated pathways to avoid disturbing the flora and fauna. Lobby for golf courses in your area to adopt wildlife-friendly measures, such as preserving native vegetation and creating wildlife corridors, because every effort counts. 

9. Consider Eco-Friendly Club Maintenance

Club maintenance is a crucial part of golf, but it can also be surprisingly harmful to the environment due to the heavy use of chemical cleaners. To become a more eco-friendly golfer, consider switching to green cleaning products for your clubs or switching clubs entirely. 


Additionally, using a manual hand brush instead of water-intensive methods helps conserve this precious resource and further demonstrates your commitment to protecting our planet.

10. Promote Community Engagement in Environmental Initiatives

When it comes to enacting environmental change, you can’t do it alone. It requires the collective effort of a community. If you’re part of a golf club or association, advocate for eco-friendly initiatives like tree planting days, litter cleanups, or educational seminars on sustainability. 

By engaging your local golfing community in such conscious activities, you demonstrate leadership and reinforce the message that being an eco-friendly golfer is achievable.

In Conclusion… 

Embracing sustainable practices as a golfer is not just a significant step toward protecting our planet. It also enriches our beloved sport in profound ways. As seen with the numerous strategies we’ve explored, becoming an eco-friendly golfer is neither daunting nor complicated. It simply involves deliberate choices in how we play our game and the products we opt to use. 


Brenda Cagara is a part of the business consultant team RIZ & MONA in Dubai. Her work is to assist the formation of companies in different states of UAE. Other services she takes a part in are visa processing, trade license, trade mark, bank account opening, product registration and local sponsors. Along with this, she vigilantly manages to pursue her writing career. Since the past five years, she has been writing on different niches. The top ones are business, taxation and finance.


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