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5 Tips For An SEO Friendly Post On Your Green Living Blog



Writing a blog post takes a lot of skill, and while part of that skill has to do with making sure your content is well written, it also has to do with understanding SEO (search engine optimization) and how to integrate it into your blog.

If you want your green living blog to reach out to enough people for it to become popular, it has to rank high on the results pages of search engines. This is what SEO is all about, so here are five tips for creating the most SEO friendly blog posts you can:

  1. Outline The Structure Of Each Blog Post

The first thing to do is to outline the structure of your individual posts so they’ll be more readable and professional. An example of an effective outline is to begin with an introductory paragraph that introduces your topic, followed by three to five paragraphs that outline and discuss your main points, and then a conclusion paragraph that wraps things up.

In addition, when actually writing your posts, keep your paragraphs short and make use of bullet points and subheadings. Many people will be checking out your blog while standing in line for coffee, so rather than give your posts a close read, they may instead simply scan them to get the gist of what you’re saying.

You don’t want to make half-hearted attempt to edit your blog post. This guide will teach you how to outline a blog post if you have never done so before.

  1. Put An SEO Keyword In Each Heading and Subheading

Your headings and subheadings not only make your blog more readable for audiences, they also help the algorithms of major search engines understand what your blog is about, so including popular keywords in these headings is critical for ranking your website high enough to get organic traffic.

  1. Find Out How People Are Discovering Your Blog

You’ll want to find out which keywords people are using to find your blog so you can include those keywords in your future content, right? Rather than guess that these keywords are, you can instead try out an online SEO site analyzer. What an analyzer will do is generate reports for the site of any link you submit, and these reports will list out the specific keywords people typed into their search engine to find the website.

  1. Optimize The Length Of Your Articles

The length of your articles is also important. As a general rule of thumb, your articles should be a minimum of three hundred words and a maximum of a thousand. If a post is any shorter, readers likely won’t feel they received any value from it, and if it needs to be any longer it would probably be wise to split it into two separate posts.

  1. Link To Your Previous Content

If you have written previous posts on the same topic as your current post, remember to link back to those posts so they’ll continue to be relevant. After all, if someone is interested in the post they’re reading now, why wouldn’t they be in another one of your posts that’s on the same topic?

Driving Traffic To Your Green Living Blog


First and foremost, the quality and value of your blog’s content cannot be called into question. Better content will always translate into repeat visitors and more shares on social media. But learning effective SEO techniques is also important so you can boost your rankings on search engine results pages and get more people to find your blog to begin with.


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