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Blue & Green Daily: Monday 1 September headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.

Pennsylvania drinking wells contaminated by fracking operations hundreds of times

Marine protection areas must be expended for threatened fish species

New project asks scientists how they feel about climate change

Green office experiment shows advantage of energy efficient buildings


Co-operative members agree to radical shakeup in order to rebuild business


1 September headlines

Greenhouse gas fear over increased levels of meat eating

Global consumption of meat needs to fall – to ensure future demand for food can be met and to help protect the environment – a study says. Research from Cambridge and Aberdeen universities estimated greenhouse gases from food production will go up 80% of meat and diary consumption continues to rise at its current rate. BBC.


Rival camps wade into debate over Scotland’s oil reserves

With projections of oil reserves in the North Sea forming a key part of the Yes campaign for Scottish independence, the debate on the true scale of Scotland’s remaining hydrocarbon potential has become shriller in recent weeks. Financial Times.

Boris Johnson: third runway at Heathrow would be a ‘disaster’

Boris Johnson has rebuffed calls to back a third runway at Heathrow, saying it would be a “disaster”. The London mayor said the expansion plans were “desperately short-sighted” and “barbarically contemptuous of the rights of the population”, whose health has said would be out at risk. Guardian.


Concerns grow among UK manufacturers at rising energy costs

Concern over spiralling costs has thrust energy management up the boardroom agenda across UK manufacturing, according to research. Almost nine in ten businesses discuss energy matters at board level, a survey of 600 manufacturers found. Financial Times.

Spectre of 1929 crash looms over FTSE 100 as traders take on record debts

The level of margin debt traders are using to buy shares in the stock market reached the highest levels on records, according to the latest data from the New York Stock Exchange. Traders are now more exposed to a fall in share prices than at the height of the dot-com bubble at the turn of the century. Telegraph.



Interesting picks

Pessimism won’t do. We need an energy revolution – Guardian

Investors still wary of getting burnt by solar – Financial Times

What might independence mean for the energy sector – BBC


The Pacific islands are drowning, we need the world’s help – Guardian

Photo: Sanja gjenero via Freeimages


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