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Blue & Green Daily: Monday 24 March headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.

Boeing: sustainability is ‘the right thing to do for business’

Manchester event to kickstart social economy to ‘benefit the 99%’

China: supply chain progress made, but major problems still exist

We need three more planets to sustain human life, says NASA scientist


M&S among four UK firms named on world’s ‘most ethical’ companies list


24 March headlines

Renewable energy from rivers and lakes could replace gas in homes

Millions of homes across the UK could be heated using carbon-free technology that draws energy from rivers and lakes in a revolutionary system that could reduce household bills by 20%. Energy secretary Ed Davey has described the development as “game changing” in regards to Britain’s need for renewable energy. Independent.


Small firms urge break-up of Big Six energy giants

The Federation of Small Businesses and the consumer watchdog Which? have called for the “Big Six” energy companies to be broken up, adding pressure on regulators to refer the energy companies to competition authorities this week. The two organisations have sent a letter to Ofgem, the Office of Fair Trading and the new Competition and Markets Authority. Telegraph.

Global warming to hit Asia hardest, warns new report on climate change

People living in coastal regions of Asia, particularly those living in cities, could face some of the worse effects of global warming, climate experts will warn this week. Hundreds of millions of people are likely to lose their homes as flooding, famine and rising sea levels sweep the region, one of the most vulnerable on Earth to the impacts of global warming, the UN states. Guardian.


European regulators warn of risky loans rise above bubble peak

Debt investors are abandoning normal creditors protections on European leverages buyout loan as they snap up riskier securities at a faster rate and in greater proportions than at the peak of the credit bubble. The growing volumes of euro-denominates “covenant light” loans have now aroused the interest of European regulators. Financial Times.

Fallon calls for refocus on ‘homegrown’ shale energy

Russia’s seizure of Crimea drives home the urgent need for the UK to develop more domestic sources of energy, such as shale gas and nuclear power, Britain’s energy minister has warned. Michael Fallon described the situation as a “wake-up call”. Telegraph.



Interesting picks

Timeline: most notorious marine oil spills in history – Telegraph

Climate change deniers have won – Guardian

Where is our gas coming from, Centrica? – Telegraph


High cost of carbon earns Exxon rare environmental win – Bloomberg


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