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Blue & Green Daily: Monday 3 March headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.

Why the Treasury makes it hard to invest sustainably

The return of the airship: under the bonnet of the world’s longest aircraft

UK and EU need massive renewables pushes to meet 2030 carbon targets

Environmental NGOs failing to address ‘blindingly obvious’ issues of population growth


World wastes up to a third of produced food, says World Bank


3 March headlines

Europe-wide flood losses to ‘increase four fold’ by 2050

According to the most accurate model yet developed, flood damage losses across Europe are expected to increase four fold by 2050. The scientists believe the continent’s annual flood costs may be €23.5bn by the middle of the century. Two thirds of the projected increased in flood damage is expected to be caused by human development. BBC.


Rathlin plans shale tests in northern England

A Canadian-owned energy company plans to conduct tests on shale rocks beneath the East Riding Yorkshire this summer as the search for shale gas and oil widens across Britain. Rathilin Energy is seeking permits to carry out a series of tests on two wells at Crawberry Hill and West Newton, near Hull. Telegraph.

Osborne accused of double taxation on energy bills

The Chancellor has been accused of making tens of millions of pounds in double taxation on energy bills – by charging VAT on top of green taxes. In a report, fuel poverty charity National Energy Action calculates the Treasury reaped £27m in VAT on carbon levies in 2013 alone and this could rise to £113m by 2020. Telegraph.


Top chef accuses Tesco: ‘If you care about our oceans, take this tuna off your shelf’

Tesco is facing the wrath of TV chef Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and environmental pressure group Greenpeace after stocking a cut-price brand of tuna linked to a controversial fishing method that can kill sharks, rays and turtle. The chef’s attack is the latest blow to Tesco’s efforts to reinvent itself as a caring retailer interest in the quality and ethics of the food it sells. Guardian.

Driller can plug methane leaks at wells cheaply: study

Methane leaks from oil and natural gas production can be cut by 40% for less than 1 cent per thousand cubic feet of gas, according to a study backed by an environmental group. By plugging leaks in compressors and pipes, producers can cut emissions of methane, a potent heat-trapping gas, the study says. Bloomberg.



Interesting picks

David Cameron must go green – and mean it – Telegraph

‘Business as usual’ is not an environmentally viable option – Financial Times

Global riot epidemic due to demise of cheap fossil fuels – Guardian


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