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Blue & Green Daily: Thursday 8 January headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.

UK lagging behind Europe on social impact investing

UK government loaned £1.7bn to fossil fuel projects abroad since 2010

Green Party pledges to cut public transport cost

London’s Oxford Street has already breached air pollution limit



8 January headlines

Most fossil fuels ‘unburnable’ under 2C climate target

Most of the world’s fossil fuel reserves will need to stay in the ground if dangerous global warming is to be avoided, modelling work suggests. BBC.

Labour seeks ban on fracking near aquifers


Fracking would be prohibited on the land that collects the nation’s drinking water, under a Labour proposal published on Wednesday. The party also wants to reverse the government’s decision to stop shale gas companies having to notify residents individually of fracking in their area. Guardian.

Oil recovers as Bank of America says Saudi Arabia may ‘blink’ on cuts

Brent crude fell below $50 per barrel on Wednesday for the first time since 2009 as Bank of America-Merrill Lynch warned that the sharp drop in prices could prompt Saudi Arabia and other petro-states into cutting production. Telegraph.

Paris climate deal unlikely to avoid dangerous warming, says Ed Davey


A new global climate deal expected to be agreed in Paris at the end of this year will not be ambitious enough to prevent dangerous temperature rises, energy secretary Ed Davey has warned. Guardian.

Britain must be free to grow GM food, says minister

British farmers must be allowed to grow genetically modified crops to improve productivity and to compete with foreign growers, the environment secretary said yesterday. The Times.



Interesting picks

Why leaving fossil fuels in the ground is good for everyone – Guardian

Fossil fuels: The ‘untouchable reserves’ – BBC

Cutting carbon emissions is in everyone’s interests – Financial Times

Do we need yet another ethical business ranking to improve performance? – Guardian


Photo: Sanja gjenero via Freeimages


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