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Blue & Green Daily: Tuesday 10 March headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.

Energy saving smart meters could be ‘costly failure’, warn MPs

UKOTs: Our marine reserves need protection


10 March February headlines

Global warming ‘set to speed up to rates not seen for 1,000 years’

People need to brace themselves for accelerating climate change that could alter the way we live even over short time scales, scientists have warned. Guardian.

US urged to assert itself over Arctic

The US is falling behind in a race for influence in the Arctic as rivals such as Russia and Canada move aggressively to exploit resources while the White House prioritises the environment, according to Arctic officials and analysts. Financial Times.

Officials ‘banned’ from using ‘climate change’ and ‘global warming’ in flood-prone Florida

Florida state environmental officials claim that they are banned from using the terms ‘climate change’ and ‘global warming’. Independent.

China arrests anti-smog campaigners

Police in northern China have arrested two citizen activists who took to the streets with placards reading: “The government has a duty to control smog”. Telegraph.

Solar Impulse: Piccard cross Arabian Sea

Solar Impulse is back in the air on the second leg of its historic attempt to fly around the world. It is heading across the Arabian Sea to Ahmadabad in India. BBC.


Interesting picks

10 myths about fossil fuel divestment put to the sword – Guardian

Alternate investing: fight the climate change menace and reap returns too – Financial Express

The debate on climate change – Stanford Daily

Climate fight won’t wait for Paris – viva la resistance – Guardian

Photo: Sanja gjenero via Freeimages
