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Blue & Green Daily: Tuesday 12 May headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.


Amber Rudd appointed Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change: the reaction

‘Renewables are the only long-term energy solution for the planet’

Apple to boost forest protection and green energy in China


Elizabeth Truss: Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs


12 May headlines

Greece two weeks from crash crisis, says Greek finance minister

Greece’s economic situation is at a make or break moment after long negotiations between the Syriza led government and the country’s creditors. Cuts to pensions, health and vital services are blighting the lives of Greeks and the new government got to power on an anti-austerity mandate, but talks between the government and EU leaders have so far been insufficient to deliver reforms. BBC


Banks as vulnerable to collapse as they were before 2008

Research from the University of Plymouth has claimed that some eurozone banks are ‘just as likely to fail’ as they were before the 2008 financial crash. Researchers said that the quality of equity on the biggest European lenders is not sufficient to mitigate systemic crisis. Guardian

Obama approves Arctic drilling

President Obama has approved drilling in the Arctic region, lifting a suspension on oil firm drill which had previously been prohibited from operating in the region due to safety concerns. If Shell obtains all the necessary permits, it will be the only company to operate in the region. Green groups have called the development a disaster. CNN


Government cuts Lloyds stake to below 20pc

The government’s stake in Lloyds has been cut to below 20pc, after selling off another chunk of the bank. Lloyds was bailed out in 2009 in the midst of the financial crash, which made the taxpayer owner of 40pc of the bank. The government has said it will shed more shares in June this year. Telegraph

6,000 asylum seekers feared trapped at sea

Up to 6,000 asylum seekers are feared to be stranded off south-east Asia. It is thought many of those trapped are refugees from Bangladesh and Myanmar. There have be concerns of dangerous conditions, with water and food levels running low. Guardian


Interesting picks

Ros Altman appointed pensions minister – Financial Times

Why the Tories should act over zero-hour contracts – The Telegraph

Dear Bill Gates: ‘Will you lead the fight against climate change?’ – Guardian

Photo: Freedee via Freeimages

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