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Blue & Green Daily: Tuesday 9 September round up



Today on Blue & Green Tomorrow, we reported on greenhouse gas levels rising at the fastest pace seen since 1984 and looked at the so-called global warming hiatus.

Save B&GT: 17 days to go

Save Blue & Green Tomorrow update. Wow – 23% after a week. Thank you to the 82 people who have already pledged – a staggering £254 each on average. Thank you for your generosity in keeping the blue and green pirate ship afloat so far.

Renewable industry calls for next government to make series of commitments

Trade bodies from the renewable energy industry have joined together to call for political parties to commit to clean energy ahead of next year’s general election. The group has launched six ‘key tests’ in a renewable manifesto statement and campaign hosted by Action for Renewables.


Co-operative Energy set to launch world’s largest community energy celebration

A fortnight of community energy celebration spanning the breadth of the UK, complete with public tours and events, will officially begin on Saturday, headed by industry leader Co-operative Energy and in partnership with Forum for the Future.

WMO: greenhouse gas levels rising at fastest rate since 1984

Concentrations of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere reached record levels in 2013, the UN World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has warned in a finding that underlines the need for an international climate change treaty.


Children science project found more bumblebees in cities than in the countryside

A nationwide school science experiment has revealed that bumblebees prefer suburban areas to rural places, because of the wider variety of flora.

Scottish independence: sterling falls as investor confidence struck by Yes gains

The findings of a recent YouGov poll that confirmed the Yes campaign for an independent Scotland has edged ahead of its rival has spurred panic among businesses and consumers over financial uncertainty.


Ed Davey promises bold action from the UK at UN climate summit

The government has outlined an action plan to ensure a global climate agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions ahead of UN conference in Paris in 2015 and climate summit in New York later this month.

Community Energy Fortnight: Anafon Hydro Project

The Community Energy Fortnight hopes to raise awareness of renewable energy projects this September. As part of the national event, the Anafon Hydro Project – a community-led renewable hydro scheme – is holding a festival promoting culture, history, but most importantly: sustainability! They will also be launching their share offer – a chance to invest in the energy initiative.


Global food trade may not meet future demand

As the global population grows food supply may be unable to meet rising demand, with potentially devastating impacts for countries already reliant on imports, a new study has warned.

Conflict zones could place crucial crops at risk, study finds

Wild species related to our crops and are crucial as a potential future food resource have been identified in a study. However, researchers from the University of Birmingham said conflict zones could places these species at risk.


Greenpeace launch campaign to save ancient Mahan Forest from Indian Coal

This week, environmental group Greenpeace have launched a campaign to save over 400,000 trees and its local inhabitants in Mahan, India, from a potentially illegal coal plant.

Modern technology could have predicted global warming hiatus

If scientists had today’s tools in the 1990s, they would have been able to forecast a pause in global rising temperatures, according to a new study by US and Australian researchers.


Europe could see an increase in forest fires due to climate change

The area burned by forest fires in Europe could increase by 200% by 2090 because of the impacts of climate change, a new study from the International Institute for Applied System Analysis (IIASA) has found.

NASA probe to study world’s forests and carbon cycle

NASA is developing a new probe that will create a unique 3D map of all the world’s forests, in an attempt to improve understanding of their role in the carbon cycle and the mitigation of climate change.


Photo: Sanja Gjenero via Freeimages

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