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Blue & Green Daily: Wednesday 2 April headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.

Sustainable investment: what are you investing for?

Fair Pay Campaign: paying the living wage is ‘good business sense’

Intelligence Squared: Water, Food, Energy, Climate – Smart Solutions for 2050

ExxonMobil remains convinced that the world needs fossil fuels – despite climate risks


Eat less meat and dairy to dodge climate disaster, urges study


2 April headlines

Britain can cut gas prices by working with Europe, says Mandelson

Britain could reduce energy prices if it united with Europe to force an end to Russia’s “divide and rule” policies of selling gas, said Lord Mandelson. The Labour peer said Britain and Europe should use its combined “vast market power” to fight for a “single purchasing agreement” for Russian energy sources. Telegraph.


Clegg blocks Cameron’s plan for windfarm cap

Nick Clegg has blocked a proposal by David Cameron to restrict the construction of onshore windfarms, a Liberal Democrat source has said. It is understood the prime minister presented plans that would have out an overall cap on the number of turbines built in the countryside. Guardian.

Barton Moss fracking test drilling finds gas in shale rock

Gas has been found in shale rock at a test drilling sire in Salford, an energy company has said. Drilling will now stop while the sample are analysed, which is likely to take six months, IGas said. The company now hopes to map a 100 sq km area of the north west to determine where else to frill. Around 60 protesters have been camped at the site since drilling stated in November last year. BBC.


Saharan dust prompts ‘very high’ air pollution threatening sick and elderly

Saharan dust is contributing to unusually high levels of air pollution, threatening the health of elderly vulnerable in the UK. Parts of eastern England, the Midlands and Wales over the next few days will experience the highest levels of air pollution on the government’s official scale. Telegraph.

Shell turns to Asian suppliers in US shale race

Royal Dutch Shell has said it will deploy more Chinese equipment at its struggling US shale business – becoming the latest natural resources company to try to reduce costs by switching to cheaper Asian suppliers. Miners have already been encouraged by improvement in the reliability of Chinese machinery, which they say can now be integrated without compromising safety standards. Financial Times.



Interesting picks

So, after the IPCC report, which bit of the world are you prepared to lose? – Guardian

Oceans suffer tragedy of the commons – Financial Times

The BBC must not confuse climate change with politics – Independent


Will the new IPCC report help climate action? – Guardian

Photo: sanja gjenero via stock.xchng


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