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Blue & Green Daily: Wednesday 28 January headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.

Government forced to U-turn on fracking plans

Prince Charles: climate agreement should be ‘new Magna Carta for the Earth’

US north-east cost faces ‘historic’ blizzard

New Energy & Cleantech Awards deadline approaching


28 January headlines

Yes, we can live well and avoid climate disaster, says UK government

We can fly, drive and prosper while avoiding dangerous global warming – but only if billions remain in poverty and huge changes are made in areas such as energy and agriculture, new analysis from Decc’s Global Calculator shows. Guardian.

New environment minister set to boost Beijing carbon cut push

China’s commitment to rein in carbon emissions is set for a boost with the likely appointment of Chen Jiming, head of Beijing’s Tsinghua University, as environment minister, local environmentalists say. Financial Times.

No US-India deal on climate change

US President Barack Obama’s “historic” climate deal with China last November raised expectations that his visit to India would produce something similar. Indian officials were, however, quick to argue that the development status of their country. BBC.

Save the world? Give beef the chop, travel less and eat more vegetables

Britons should eat less beef and lamb and obtain more of their daily calories from vegetables to help to meet climate change targets, according to a government report. The Times.

Climate report: Hot days may double in Australia by 2090

The annual number of very hot days in inland Australia could more than double in 75 years, according to a forecast of the effects of climate change by Australian science agency CSIRO. BBC.


Interesting picks

We should not surrender to climate change – Guardian

The shift to investment driven  development – Devex Impact

The countries most likely to survive climate change – Business Insider

Why is so little attention paid to Madagascar’s incredible wildlife? – Guardian

Photo: iriann via Freeimages
