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buying your first eco-friendly home buying your first eco-friendly home


12 Essential Things for Buying Your First Home



Are you considering buying a green home? You are in good company!

Interest in eco-friendly homes has skyrocketed in recent years. The global market for eco-friendly homes was worth over $116 billion in 2020. It is likely to be worth a lot more after the pandemic starts to wane and the economy starts to recover.

Unfortunately, it is not always easy to know what to look for when you are purchasing a green home. Even experienced home buyers might now know what to look for if they are trying to find an environmentally-friendlier option in 2022.

New home buyers may have an even more challenging time looking for an eco-friendly property. If you have never bought a home before, you need to understand the basics of the process of buying a home in general. You will also need to learn about buying an eco-friendly property, which involves a lot of other insights.


Being in the process of buying your first home is exciting, but don’t let the excitement prevent you from knowing what needs to be done so that you can enjoy your new home. Whether you’re still saving up for a down payment or you’ve just scheduled the moving company, you know that it is impossible to be too prepared. 

Things You Need for Your Eco-Friendly Home

There are many things that you’ll purchase for your new home- from throw pillows to paint. You will need to do even more due diligence when purchasing an environmentally-friendly home.

However, there are a number of other things that you should always have for your green home. Here’s our security detailed list of items that you’ll need for your home. 

1. Solar Panels

You can’t expect to purchase an eco-friendly home without making sure that it has solar panels installed. Solar panels can help trim your carbon footprint by as much as 95%.


Unfortunately, leveraging solar energy is easier said than done. You need to make sure that the right solar panels are installed. You also have to make sure that they are properly attached to your home, so you can use energy prudently.

2. Security System

home security system can be as robust as you need it to be, but one thing they all have in common is additional safety features that locks can’t provide on their own. 

3. Purchase Energy-Efficient Utility Products and Connect Them

It’s smart to connect all of your must-have utilities, like water, gas and electricity, before you move in. This will help ensure the way for a smooth move-in process. Check with your local service providers to determine the correct process for your new neighborhood. 

While you are looking for utilities, it is important to make sure that the utility products are energy-efficient. This helps lower the carbon footprint of your utilities as much as possible.


4. Insurance and Warranties

Insurance and home warranties provide financial protection from home-related accidents and repairs. One thing to note is that homeowners insurance and home warranties are not the same things. Homeowners insurance covers damages and losses from natural disasters, burglaries and vandalism, and fire. On the other hand, a home warranty covers repairs and replacements of your appliances and systems caused by everyday use. 

5. Indoor Air Quality

When purchasing an eco-friendly house, prioritizing indoor air quality is essential for a healthy living environment. A home’s eco-friendly features extend beyond energy efficiency and recycled materials. Normal ventilation, non-toxic building materials, and low radon gas level contribute to a healthier indoor environment. To ensure optimal air quality, it is advisable to hire the services of a professional radon level tester, as radon, a colorless, odorless gas, can pose significant health risks when present in elevated concentrations.

6. Updated Locks from Green Manufacturers

If you want to make sure that no one has a key to your home, you can easily change the locks by contacting your local locksmith. Make sure that you get a hidden key so that you can get into your home in case there is an emergency. 

You also want to look for information on the locksmith company to see if they are committed to sustainability. Foundation Communities reports that eco-friendly locksmithing is the future.


7. Eco-friendly Tools

A toolkit with drills, hammers, measuring tape, wrenches, and pliers can help you perform DIY appliance repairs at home without having to call a handyman, which can help you save money on simple repairs. You can also use them to install furniture and window coverings and hang your photos on a wall. 

Again, it is a good idea to make sure that these tools are eco-friendly. You will find some have an EnergyStar seal of approval, which indicates that they are better for the enviornment.

8. Ladders

Whether you’re making repairs or getting rid of the dust on the ceiling fan, you’ll always find a use for a ladder. Make sure that you can reach everything from your ceiling fan to your cabinets with ladders of various sizes. Consider the types of ladders you’ll need as well. For example, if you plan on cleaning the gutters yourself, you’ll need a tall outdoor ladder that differs from your indoor step stool. 

9. Fire Extinguisher

Most homes only require one multipurpose fire extinguisher so that you can be prepared for any type of flame. 


10. Eco-Friendly Router Extender

If you notice areas in your home that don’t get the best signal, a wifi extender or router extender can help you get the extra boost you need from any room in the house.  You can find some that are made with green manufacturing processes, which you should look for if you want to be environmentally-friendly as a homeowner.

11. Inspection Report 

You must also look carefully at the inspection report before buying a home. This ensures that you are going to get what you are looking for when making the purchase.

12. Correct Documentation for Emergency Appliances 

It’s a good idea to find the emergency shut-offs, the circuit breaker box, and any appliance manuals. 

Essentials for Buying an Eco-Friendly Home

From entertainment to safety and even services, there are tons of things you need to consider for your first eco-friendly home. Make a list of the most important items, services, and insurances you need for your home so that you can check them off as soon as you purchase them and make moving into your new home stress-free. 


Audrey Taylor was born in San Francisco, and moved to Adelaide at the age of five. Marketer researcher and social media manager on hold, full - time mommy of a cheerful two-year-old. Graduated from Queensford college, worked in a couple of marketing agencies across Australia, eager to learn more about business and share her experiences. Traveled across Europe. Her hobbies include: home decor, fashion, travel, music, old movies.


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