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sell an eco-friendly blog with these seven steps sell an eco-friendly blog with these seven steps


A 7-Step Guide to Selling a Green Living Blog

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There are a lot of great niches for bloggers to choose from. Sustainability is one of the best. It is a great idea for people looking for an eco-friendly business.

More people than ever are interested in living an eco-friendly lifestyle. According to a poll from last year, 85% of the global population considers sustainability when making purchases. However, many of them are still unsure what steps they can take to live a green lifestyle.

Countless blogs (including this one) make great revenue teaching eco-friendly habits to people interested in lowering their carbon footprint and preserving our natural resources. There are a lot of ways to make money running a green lifestyle blog. After you get it off the ground, you can also sell it for a premium price.

How Can You Sell a Blog on Sustainability?

Running a blog is a trendy and lucrative career choice for many who want to have their own business and enjoy the benefits of a flexible job. Still, after establishing themselves and their blog, many bloggers consider selling their business and pursuing something else after a while. People running blogs on sustainability are no exception.


Suppose you are among them and are struggling with the idea of how to sell your blog. In that case, your best bet is to consult with brokers who will stand by your side throughout the entire blog selling process.

However, if you are just starting to play with the idea of selling your green living blog but feel you are not there yet, read this article and learn the basics.

# 1 Work on your blog traffic

Gaining readership and increasing organic blog traffic is the first step in securing your business value. So, to do that, you need to write more relatable articles, know your niche, include quality photos, and incorporate keywords.

In addition, make sure you set up push notifications for your site, be tactically active and promote on social media, and start generating more backlinks. Finally, remember to diversify your traffic sources from the beginning and avoid relying on a single source of traffic.  


The process of getting traffic as a green living blog is a bit different than it would be for many other niches. You can find a lot of online communities that are passionate about teaching people about sustainability. You can get a lot of traffic from Reddit by joining subs like r/ecofriendly and r/greenliving. You just have to read the rules of the subs to make sure that the articles you submit will be compliant.

You also can benefit from writing guest articles for sites on green living. This will help your SEO and attract new visitors. Some of the top green living sites that accept guest posts include, and You can find the rules for guest posting on Mind Body Green here.

However, you should also consider writing guest posts for smaller green living blogs as well. They might be easier to get links from and can help improve your link diversity.

#2 Get a quality domain

Most bloggers forget that having a quality domain name can make a lot of difference when selling a blog. The reason is simple, a weak domain is harder to grow and particularly challenging to brand. Moreover, a high-value domain for your blog helps you establish authority, credibility, and professionalism online and offline. Keep this in mind from the beginning, so you can avoid losing your blog’s value.


You want to make sure that your blog clearly communicates the nature of your niche. For example, is a blog for moms wanting to learn about sustainability. The name makes this clear.

#3 Monetarize your blog

Entrepreneurs want to purchase blogs that are already established and make money. That means your blog needs to be monetized for you to sell it well. The best way to do that is by displaying ads and affiliate links.

Display ads entice your audience to take a specific action and provide consistent daily income, which makes your blog more attractive to sell. In addition, affiliate links can help you direct traffic to your website and record it simultaneously. 

There are a lot of green living affiliate products that will help you monetize your blog. These include The Ultimate Green Store, ECOlunchbox, and Just Natural Products. They will help you generate revenue from your site.


#4 Keep clean records

Whether you use a broker or you decide to sell your blog on your own, keep in mind that buyers look for proofs and records. As a result, you should regularly make analytic reports, traffic sources and details, login details of all websites, income and loss spreadsheets, expense sheets, proof of sales, and so on. In addition, you can also make screenshots and other proof of data. These are great ways to get more potential buyers on your offer.

#5 Know where you can sell your blog

You can always sell your blog by doing your own research and looking for potential buyers. Another way is to see an opportunity to sell your blog to partners you have teamed up to create a product. However, most bloggers use online marketplaces or brokers to sell their blogs. You will probably be able to find a section on green living blogs where you can make your listing.

#6 Read real stories of people who have sold their blogs

There is no one right way when it comes to the sale of a blog. Every sale story differs, and no rules are set in stone. For this reason, research and read what other people have done with their blogs and how they managed to sell them. More importantly, keep an eye open for exciting opportunities. However, do not rush into things. Instead, ensure you have all the necessary paperwork and check all legal and financial issues when you finally decide to sell your blog.

You want to learn more about green lifestyle bloggers that have sold their blogs.


#7 Understand when is the best time to sell

A fundamental question when it comes to selling your blog is timing. But what exactly is good timing? A few factors, depending on your unique situation, can help you determine:

  • Your site is a success,
  • You have reached your own personal plateau in the blog’s growth, 
  • You run multiple blogs, and you want to focus on one, 
  • You have lost your passion, 
  • You want to change the niche.

In addition, an important aspect is to keep an eye on the buyer’s behavior. Knowing how to meet their specific needs is of utmost importance as they often have their own preferences regarding what, when, and why they acquire a new blog. 

Learn how to sell your green blog

We hope that this article has helped you get the idea about the issue of selling a blog in the green living niche, and you will have a much smoother and less last-minute hustle once you decide on it. However, keep in mind that the process in the price range of your expectations is not something you can do overnight. It requires a significant investment of both your time and money.

Daniela McVicker is a professional writer and editor for various websites. As someone with a strong love for taking care of the environment, she truly enjoys providing the younger generations with easy yet efficient tips for preventing global warming and living a more sustainable life.


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