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TED talks: does the media have a ‘duty of care’? – David Puttnam



It has to be possible to balance freedom of expression with wider moral and social responsibilities, argues David Puttnam in this week’s featured TED talk.

Does the media have a “duty of care” to create informed citizens? Puttnam, an award-winning filmmaker who is now a member of the House of Lords, certainly thinks so.

Filmed at TEDxHousesofParliament in June 2013, he says democracy – if done well – can achieve great things. But we have to trust making the decisions are acting in the best interests of everyone.

He concludes, “If we want to provide decent, fulfilling lives for our children and our children’s children, we need to exercise to the very greatest degree possible that duty of care for a vibrant, and hopefully a lasting, democracy.”

To watch this video on the TED website, click here.
