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New Ethical Equity Income Fund Wins Resounding Vote of Confidence



After less than three months since investors gave the green light to the re-launch of the ConBrio BEST Income Fund on 18th July, which saw the fund become one of a select band of ethically invested UK Equity Income funds, the Investment Advisers to the fund, Castlefield, report that funds under management have already increased by 70%, with more cash known to be heading in their direction.

The Fund uses the proprietary BEST investment selection methodology, developed by Castlefield, to take account not only of traditional Business or financial criteria but also of Environmental, Social and Transparency factors. At the time of the re-launch, Castlefield committed to seek the views of ethical investors as to the areas of most concern to them. To this end, it teamed up with Worldwise Investor to discover the current thoughts of the clients of leading ethical advisory specialists, including those of ethical investment pioneer Gaeia. The first results are now in and make interesting reading. Alongside existing exclusions of companies involved in arms, tobacco, gambling, alcohol and pornography, future areas for consideration look set to be companies involved in the clearing of rainforests, noncompliance with international standards relating to timber production and those with poor human rights issues records.

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