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The Guide to Ethical Funds 2013



Welcome to Blue & Green Tomorrow’s Guide to Ethical Funds 2013. With help from (an EIRIS Foundation initiative), we’ve given you details on a wide selection of regulated investment funds that have a green, ethical, sustainable or responsible stance in the UK.

Whether your strategy is to exclude stocks that do harm (negative screening) or focus on reaping the greatest societal and environmental benefit (positive screening) through your investments, there is a fund for you.

There are funds that focus exclusively on clean energy; funds that look to tackle some of the most urgent sustainability challenges; funds that abide by Sharia law – the moral code and religious law of Islam; funds with an environmental focus; and funds that invest in forestry across the globe. Among many others.

Our hope is that after reading The Guide to Ethical Funds, and our previous reports on ethical financial advisers, ownership, banking and investment, you’ll have sufficient information to make a more informed choice in your investment decisions in the future.

And we’re confident that an informed investor will go for the ethical, sustainable and responsible options.


Click here to download The Guide to Ethical Funds 2013 (10MB file).

On the go? Download the mobile version (5MB file).

We published seven reports last year in our Guide to… series, covering ethical shoppingsustainable bankingsustainable investmentsustainable tourismlimitless clean energy and responsible media, as well as a second sustainable investment issue that was published as part of National Ethical Investment Week. Our three previous reports in 2013 have covered sustainable tourismsustainable investmentownershipethical financial advisers and fair trade.


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