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The Guide to Sustainable Investment 2013



Welcome to Blue & Green Tomorrow’s Guide to Sustainable Investment 2013 – our flagship report and the first of two editions to come this year.

Inside, you’ll find exclusive interviews with some of the sustainable investment industry’s key players – not just from the UK, but across Europe – as well as insight into some of the most popular investment strategies and funds and testimonies from a number of ethical investors.

After speaking to the likes of Penny Shepherd at UKSIF and James Gifford at the UN-backed Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), the thing that becomes abundantly clear is the fact sustainable investment really is becoming a mainstream consideration for investors.

While there was a time when ethical, sustainable and responsible investment were very much niche areas, in the 21st century, investors want much more than just a decent financial return from the money they’ve invested. Environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues are now seen as paramount to a large proportion.

This shift is being led by some brilliant organisations, and is placing sustainable investment at the forefront of a really significant change in the investment industry.

Click here to download The Guide to Sustainable Investment 2013 (10MB file).

On the go? Download the mobile version (5MB file).

You can also access the report on Issuu and Scribd.

We published seven reports last year in our Guide to… series, covering ethical shoppingsustainable bankingsustainable investmentsustainable tourismlimitless clean energy and responsible media, as well as a second sustainable investment issue that was published as part of National Ethical Investment Week. Our first report of 2013 was on the subject of sustainable tourism.
