The world’s first Fair Tax Mark has been launched in a bid to address the issue of responsible tax. Businesses that have been accredited by the...
Green has become cool. Show me a hotel, restaurant or travel company that doesn’t have a green policy or environmental statement and I will eat my...
Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green...
It is time to update our transport system to one that is fit for the 21st century. Please welcome, The Guide to Sustainable Transport 2014. The pace...
It is time to update our transport system to one that is fit for the 21st century. Please welcome, The Guide to Sustainable Transport 2014. The...
The Environment Agency has confirmed that a total of 86 flood warnings, two of them severe, remain across southern and central England, as the extreme weather...
California is experiencing its worst drought in a century, which is putting at risk the survival of many species and damaging the economy. Experts have warned...
Braintree is an ethical clothing company that focuses on ecological fabrics, fair work conditions and sustainability. The company was founded in the mid 1990s in Sydney,...
The number of business customers switching their energy supplier is up by a third, according to figures released by a price comparison service on Tuesday. Make...
Former Irish president Mary Robinson has said the fossil fuel divestment campaign is a “shining example” of what must be done in the fight against climate...