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2016 Is Set To Be Hottest Year On Record: WWF React 2016 Is Set To Be Hottest Year On Record: WWF React


2016 Is Set To Be Hottest Year On Record: WWF React



WWF Scotland director Lang Banks has reacted to news today that this year is set to be the hottest year ever recorded globally, according to the World Meteorological Organisation.

“News that 2016 looks set to be the hottest year ever recorded globally is worrying and should remind our political leaders of the continued need for action both at home and abroad.

As the Cabinet Secretary said last week, under the Paris agreement existing global pledges are only enough to limit global temperature rise to around 3°C

“As delegates at the UN climate talks in Marrakech continue to discuss increased international action, it’s good to know Scotland’s own Climate Change Secretary Roseanna Cunningham is joining them to share Scotland’s success story in cutting emissions and to learn from others. As the Cabinet Secretary said last week, under the Paris agreement existing global pledges are only enough to limit global temperature rise to around 3°C, it’s therefore clear all countries need to do more.

“As the Scottish Government prepared its new climate action plan, these latest figure show it must go further and have strong and bold new policies in it. Scotland has already reduced emissions by almost 47 per cent in comparison to 1990 and so we know it’s possible to tackle climate change and support a successful society. The new climate action plan is an opportunity to put Scotland on course for achieving all the benefits of a zero-carbon economy.”


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