Chancellor George Osborne said today: “Our job is to rebuild Britain. Build our finances. Build our defences. Build our society. So that Britain becomes the most prosperous and...
Chancellor Osborne: “We’re also supporting the creation of the shale gas industry by ensuring that communities benefit from a Shale Wealth Fund, which could be worth...
Ecotricity founder Dale Vince says “it’s madness” for the Government to exempt energy intensive industries (EII’s) from the cost cutting carbon emissions, given they are the biggest...
On Wednesday afternoon Chancellor George Osborne delivered the first Comprehensive Spending Review of this Parliament. This is the reaction of Scottish Renewables, REA and Wood Heat...
Reacting to today’s Spending Review, Campaign for Better Transport warns that cuts to everyday transport will bite ever harder while money is wasted on damaging road building, but...
Reacting to minimal announcements of relevance to solar PV in the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement, the Solar Trade Association has expressed disappointment. The body has commented separately on...
The Chancellor George Osborne has announced that the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) will continue to be funded until 2020, contrary to rumours that it might be...
Responding to the government’s Spending Review and Autumn Statement, Social Enterprise’s UK chief executive, Peter Holbrook CBE, today said: “While £80m sounds like a lot of money, Social...
The Electoral Reform Society has challenged the government’s decision to cut public funding for opposition parties by a fifth. The Chancellor announced in the Autumn Statement on...
Scheme to develop “carbon capture and storage” technology at power stations axed. Professor Stuart Haszeldine, SCCS Director: “It has now become clear that announcements made by Chancellor...
Nope, not in the sense of treating with an apparent kindness which betrays a feeling of superiority. Yes, in the sense of supporting an activity, especially...
Prior to The People’s Operator (TPO), Mark co-founded and ran Mass1 Limited, which he built into a leading UK campaign agency, working with organisations including Channel...
An estimated 43,900 excess winter deaths occurred in England and Wales in 2014/15; the highest number since 1999/00, with 27% more people dying in the winter...
The Chartman Group, with the support of recycling programme provider Every Can Counts, has introduced drinks can recycling facilities at its award-winning flagship petrol forecourt as...
A £200,000 investment package is helping a young North East company take the development of its pioneering solar energy panel on to the next exciting stage. The...