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Porpoises And Dolphins Have Been Washing Ashore In Cornwall Porpoises And Dolphins Have Been Washing Ashore In Cornwall


Porpoises And Dolphins Have Been Washing Ashore In Cornwall



WWF-UK have reacted to the alarming number of porpoises and dolphins on the Cornwall coast.

In light of the alarming increase of porpoises and dolphins washing ashore in Cornwall, Dr Lyndsey Dodds, head of marine policy, WWF-UK said:

“Porpoises and dolphins are threatened by a range of impacts from pollution, underwater noise from construction and boating, collision with boats and bycatch from fishing. We await with interest the scientific analysis which will hopefully explain the alarming increase of these species washing ashore.

We await with interest the scientific analysis which will hopefully explain the alarming increase

These events underline why we must have proper protection in place and we call on the UK government to urgently bring forward the designation of Special Areas of Conservation for harbour porpoise as required under the EU Habitats Directive and highlighted as a significant gap by the European Commission.

Implementation and effective management of marine protected areas is vital to the biodiversity of UK seas and the social and economic benefits they provide.”


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