The world is in danger of making the same mistakes with sub-prime carbon assets as it did with the sub-prime mortgages that led to the financial...
Broadcast from the beautiful Cornish town of St Austell, two leading renewable energy suppliers got a mention on Question Time, the BBC’s flagship political debate programme, on...
The secretary of state tasked with leading the government’s climate adaptation strategy has only been briefed on climate change twice in the last 14 months, a...
The environment, food and rural affairs committee is seeking submissions for an inquiry assessing food security in the UK. The last time the committee looked into...
Major pension funds and investors that already see the long-term financial risks associated with investing in high-carbon industries are “ahead of the curve”, according to pensions...
Thirteen European cabinet ministers for energy and climate change have spoken out about the need for a 2030 climate and energy framework. The ministers argue this...
The UN’s Green Climate Fund is about to launch three renewable energy pilot projects in developing countries to help them adapt to climate change while getting...
The St Jude’s Day storm coverage seemed a little apocalyptic. One listener to BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, frustrated at the time devoted to the storm,...
Pension funds need to go further in avoiding the financial risks posed by climate change which directly affect their savers and investors, according to a major...
New analysis by Friends of the Earth has said that because the planet houses more carbon than we can safely burn, the UK government must be...
A new report has said that the outlook is positive for clean technology, in a future that will see an increasing desire for efficiency and sustainability....
Well-known for its flatpack furniture and Swedish meatballs, retail giant Ikea is looking to crack the renewables market, too. Steve Howard, chief sustainability officer, reveals why...
The government’s new indicator for priority species – described by conservationists as the FTSE index for threatened wildlife – has been unveiled. The data shows a...
Greenland has given a 30-year license to UK firm London Mining that will allow it to build a giant iron ore mine – the largest industrial...
Temperatures in the Canadian Arctic are at the highest they’ve been for at least 44,000 years, and possibly even 120,000 years, according to a new study....