Despite plans to reduce coal use, experts have warned that emissions from newly built power plants are being underestimated and are rising at a rate of...
In the second round of the televised debate between Alistair Darling, leader of the pro-union Better Together campaign, and Alex Salmond, first minister of Scotland and...
Research by charity Barnardo’s has warned that thousands of British families are simply too poor to afford paying for train fares and eating out on today’s...
Supermarket chain Intermarché has launched a new initiative to sell aesthetically-imperfect fruit and vegetables at a 30% discount, as a way to reduce food waste. The...
Chairman of HSBC Douglas Flint has warned that if Scotland votes to become independent from the UK and leave the currency union would cause great economic uncertainty...
Campaigners from DivestUMW have loudly asked the University of Mary Washington’s (UNW) governing body to drop investment in dirty fossil fuels but the university has so...
Regeneration needs to consider the needs of the community the area serves, says Clare Jones of ClearlySo. Those who live in certain London boroughs – and...
A crowdfunding campaign that aims to support and encourage a more sustainable democracy has reached the halfway point. Vote for Polices is seeking to raise £20,000...
Today is Earth Overshoot Day, the day after which humanity has exhausted its annual budget of ecological resources, according to data from the Global Footprint Network...
The forthcoming Scottish Referendum could be a useful trigger for improved strategic planning within the renewable energy sector, writes Richard Essex. The need for strategic planning...
A town in the Soloman Islands is preparing to relocate its whole population to escape from rising sea levels caused by climate change. The authorities of...
An investigation into the impacts of the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster has found that radiation may be harming wildlife in the area. In a series...
Vote for Policies, an online service that allows people to compare manifesto policies without knowing which party they belong to, has raised almost £10,000 towards its...
Since the start of the recession the UK’s biggest companies have almost doubled their donations to charities, according to the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF). However, research...
Conflict has always been a lucrative business, as battles tend to use and destroy a lot of things that need to be replaced. But as the human...