First validated model of a large megawatt turbine will improve industry understanding and offer opportunities for UK The Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult is creating a...
“All five of the ‘freedoms'” are claimed to be compromised in expert review, urging for a ban on wild animal acts. Animal Defenders International (ADI) has...
According to the UK Green Building Council Task Group, the quality and design of homes and neighbourhoods is a key factor in improving the wellbeing and health...
The idea of government intervention to influence the composition of a country’s output has long been derided by economists for breeding inefficiency, reducing competition, encouraging lobbying...
We prefer non-fossil fuel investments but make an exception with natural gas as we believe it is a beneficial transition fuel, substituting more polluting fossil fuels...
Energy Bonds, Greener Bonds and Good Energy Bonds. There is a flood of retail bond offerings to the market with very similar names, which is likely...
For those comfortable with the risks associated with unlisted retail bonds it is now possible to take a portfolio approach to the ‘mini’ bond market. There...
Today saw the next Retail Bond being issued for retail investors – the Greener Bond. Stewart Davies the man behind A Shade Greener is so confident...
These are loans offered by retail investors to trading companies in return for interest on their money, in effect replacing the role the banks once took....
Using the Alliance Trust Sustainable Future UK, European and Global Growth funds as a proxy for our equity strategies we analysed how much carbon dioxide (CO2)...
Policies to promote renewable energy generation, especially in Europe, are well publicised, and are noble, if ambitious. 20% of all Europe’s energy (domestic heating, transport fuel...
Amidst the plethora of ETFs, index trackers, value, growth and absolute return financial products offered to individual and institutional investors it is easy to forget that...
The primary aim of our funds is to deliver strong returns by investing in more sustainable companies. Alongside this we also seek to exercise our influence...
2013 has been a difficult year for many commodities, with significant declines in the price of gold, aluminium and iron ore, for example. However, we have...
As the emerging markets develop and adopt an increasingly westernised lifestyle they will unfortunately have to cope with treating an increasingly westernised set of diseases. This...