Reducing our household waste and reversing our current ‘throwaway society’ has been a hot topic over the last few years. With each government enforcing new and...
Global sustainability consultancy, Corporate Citizenship have revealed that although business awareness of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals has improved over the past year, tangible action to address the Global Goals...
A new report from he University of Oxford Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU) and World Animal Protection has revealed that the fate of over 64,000 live wild...
A partnership between University College Birmingham (UCB) and Drayson Technologies has been formed in order to deliver an Internet of Things (IoT) enabled air pollution monitoring programme. Running...
Hundreds of critically endangered Partula snails are to be reintroduced to their native habitat of French Polynesia by conservation charity the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS)...
40 institutional investors resulting in a $1.25 trillion coalition have engaged with 16 multinational food companies demonstrating the material risks posed by industrial animal production. Investors include Swedish...
To mark the Terra Madre Salone del Gusto, yesterday 7,000 farmers, food artisans, fishers, indigenous people, citizens, Slow Food activists and leaders from 143 countries marched through...
At the 15th Wind Integration and the 6th Solar Integration Workshop in Vienna, Austria on 14th to 17th November 2016, experts on power systems and renewable energy will come...
Producing and consuming meat has become a vital issue among the public thanks to Slow Meat’s interactive stand at Terra Madre Salone del Gusto which is taking place...
500 Organisations will today be issued with the UK’s first Energy Labels by SmartestEnergy which include the source and carbon content of the clean electricity they...
Under a new area of conservation in Scotland, the harbour porpoise is the latest species to be given increased protection. Scotland’s first Special Area of Conservation (SAC) has...
On Tuesday 27th September, ethane from US fracking will arrive in Scotland for the first time. Campaigners from both continents attacked bosses at INEOS for their financial gain from...
BP or not BP? A theatrical protest group orchestrated more than 200 people in an unauthorised group performance inside the British Museum’s Great Court at 2.30pm on Sunday 25th September. In...
In recent times the reversal of our ‘throwaway society’ and the reduction of our household waste has been a hotly discussed subject. Progress is slow as...
The Met Office’s recently-enhanced VisualEyes™ product will provide Innogy Renewables UK Ltd (formerly RWE Innogy) with forecasts to keep on-site personnel safe and eliminating avoidable weather delays...