The internet is an amazing invention. It has made it so that people can stay in touch with friends and family, no matter how far apart...
Prior to joining American Prairie Reserve in 2011, he served as Director of Development and Operations at Property and Environment Research Center, and as Executive VP...
For years Alex worked in TV as an Associate Producer. He’s worked with some huge names like Sir David Attenborough, Dr. Alice Roberts and even Len...
The inaugural Blue & Green Marbles has generated a great response with 1,105 votes cast over the Christmas period. Voting will close shortly but it’s still...
With 1,105 votes cast so far no clear winner has emerged to claim the first Blue & Green Marble (our Oscars). As we’ve adopted a transferable vote...
Here’s the articles that were read by most people in the last week. | join our growing community: sign-up to our newsletter and connect on twitter, facebook or linkedin | Carbon Intensive Companies Face Unprecedented...
If you think your way of garbage disposal is sufficient to keep your area clean, then you are mistaken. You cannot be the one who can...
The engines in 150 West Midland buses are to be fitted with clean air technology after the region won nearly £500,000 of funding. The money has...
Environmental charity, Keep Scotland Beautiful, is calling for groups from across the country to register to take part in either Beautiful Scotland or It’s Your Neighbourhood...
An effort to eat more healthily is the main reason why one in six UK adults (17%) are consuming more fish than a year ago, but for...
Amber & Yellow warnings of severe weather have been issued by the Met Office. Regions affected by an Amber warning: Central, Tayside & Fife, Grampian. Regions affected by...
Staff at the Centre for Alternative Technology have shared in the news that the architect behind its award winning building, The Wales Institute for Sustainable Education...
Last month was not only the wettest December on record, but also the wettest calendar month overall since records began in 1910, while 2015 is the sixth...
Scrutiny of carbon intensive companies’ reporting could mean an unprecedented number of complaints to financial regulators from environmental lawyers ClientEarth in 2016. ClientEarth has said they...
A leaked paper says flood defences are being abandoned or maintained to minimal levels because of government cuts and could leave almost twice as many households...