In a world, where war rages and global warming threatens our very existence, the inhabitants of earth need to be extra vigilant in their efforts to...
Imagine if one act of eco-consciousness could spur other behaviors that were good for the planet? A city in California that decided to make a city-wide...
The green energy industry has exploded in recent years thanks to public pressure and technological innovation. However, while green energy continues to become more affordable and...
Technologists, engineers, lawmakers, and the general public have been excitedly debating about the merits of self-driving cars for the past several years, as companies like Waymo...
When you have a growing family, it often feels like you’re in this weird bubble that exists outside of mainstream society. Whereas everyone else seemingly has...
Living the life of an engineer likely sounds pretty glamorous: you are educated and highly regarded, typically have high paying gigs, and with the breadth of...
Time author Justin Worland penned an insightful post this summer about the increasingly divisive attitudes on climate change. Worland pointed out that concerns about climate science...
The holidays are an exciting, nostalgic time: the crispness in the air, the crunch of snow under your boot, the display of ornate holiday lighting up...
Many businesses are changing their operating model to allow their employees to work from home. Aside from the personal convenience and business benefits, working from home...
Swimming pools are undoubtedly one of the most luxurious features that any home can have. But environmentally-conscious homeowners who are interested in having a pool installed...
Engineering has its problems. One is the gender pay gap because 21% of undergraduate degrees go to women and the rest to men. But let’s set...
There is a lot of conversations being had about carbon footprints, emissions, non-renewable energy and global warming. However, in a sea of information and conflicting opinion,...
Green housing is in high demand, but it’s not yet widely available, posing a serious problem: if you want to live an eco-friendly lifestyle, do you...
Currently, the automotive industry is undergoing an enormous change in a bid to lower carbon emissions. This has been pushed by the Government and their clean...
The UK public appears to be embracing the electric car UK Green Revolution, as recent statistics reveal that more and more consumers are making the switch...