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Environmental Sustainability Starts with Personal Responsibility

Shutterstock Licensed Photo - By petrmalinak |



While the majority of people are well-aware of the dangerous state our environment is currently in, few actually choose to do something about the problems themselves. Whether it’s because doing something is inconvenient, or they’ve received misinformation, green living seems to be the least of the concerns for some people. If you have finally decided to turn your life around, and to take a stand in this for the environment, knowing what lifestyle changes you can personally make is a necessity.

The following tips will help you understand how you can have an active role in the process of protecting the environment, without actually putting in a lot of effort or having to give up on your comfort or convenience:

Recycling at Home and at Work

This is probably the most obvious tip that we should all be doing. But you would be surprised to learn how many people do not take recycling seriously. From sorting your waste properly, to selecting the right recycling company, try to make this activity a priority in your household and your community.

Keep in mind that recycling does not have to be limited to paper, plastic and glass. Metal is just as important a part of this eco-friendly practice. If you have metal items around the house, such as an old washing machine, scrap metal cutlery or appliances with metal parts, contact a metal recycling company and hand them your waste. Don’t drag it to the curb or chuck it in the garbage.


Here are some more tips on what you can action in the workplace.

Create Less Waste

Although going zero waste might seem like an impossible goal to reach, creating less is something that anyone can do.

  • Reuse the same tote bags when you are grocery shopping.
  • Only buy the food that you need.
  • Instead of wasting reams of newspaper, get your latest news online. For financial news, you’ll find much more up-to-date price charts online, anyways.
  • Reuse durable water bottles instead of buying water in disposable plastic bottles.
  • Stop using disposal cups for your coffee and tea. Invest in a travel mug.

These are just a few simple changes you can make in order to reduce the waste your household is currently producing.

Cut Energy Consumption

Excessive energy consumption is an increasing problem in most households. Although reducing your energy usage might seem difficult at first, there are a few easy things you can do in this department.

To reduce electricity waste:

  • Unplug and switch off appliances when you are not using them.
  • When you get up from your desk, put your computer to sleep or shut it down.
  • Never leave the lights turned on when you exit a room.
  • Switch from traditional light bulbs to LED ones that consume 75 percent less energy.
  • Investigate energy leaks – like drafty windows or doors that require additional AC usage.

Buy Gently Used Items, Instead of Demanding New Production

Whether it’s an appliance, furniture, or even a piece of clothing, purchasing second-hand is a much more environmentally friendly option.

By buying used, you are contributing to waste shortage and saving energy that might be used during the manufacturing processes of certain products. A person who values green living should always look for opportunities to reduce the production of new goods.

You can do this by visiting thrift stores, garage sales, consignment shops and second hand online stores. It’s never been easier to find used items.

Drive Conservatively

Giving up your gas-fueled car might not be possible for you. But there are a few slight alterations you can easily make to drive greener. If your workplace is close to home, you can switch from driving to bicycling to work. This is not only great for the environment, but it will positively influence your health as well – allowing you stay in shape without having to spend a lot of additional time exercising.

If riding a bike is not a viable option, you can consider carpooling or public means of transportation instead. And when driving, regularly replace your air and oil filters to improve efficiency. Properly inflated tires, along with driving less aggressively can positively impact fuel mileage.


Hopefully, you’ve been focused on the environment for a long time. But now more than ever you need to go the extra mile to change your lifestyle in a way that benefits the environment.

The tips outlined above will certainly come in handy. While some of the tips might seem small or insignificant, they can really have an impact. I encourage you to take on these challenges head-on, boldly accepting the title of environmentalist.

yan Kh is an experienced blogger, digital content & social marketer. Founder of Catalyst For Business and contributor to search giants like Yahoo Finance and MSN. He is passionate about covering topics like sustainability, green-business approach and high-tech innovations.


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