Ernst & Young (EY) has today become a Climate Bonds Partner. The Climate Bonds Initiative is an investor-focused not-for-profit, promoting large-scale investment in the low-carbon economy. For...
John Fleetwood entered the financial industry just as the financial world was rocked by ‘Black Wednesday’ in 1987. In 1991 he started to advise people on ethically screened investments, something that...
Cabinet Office Minister Lord Bridges of Headley (pictured) said today that he recognised that a Liberal Democrats’ amendment was intended to secure the Green Investment Bank’s obligations when...
A global not-for-profit organisation called INTASAVE Energy is fulfilling its vision for every person on the planet to have access to clean power through the launch...
A report by the World Energy Council which benchmarks the sustainability of national energy systems highlights the importance of decisions taken now and over the next...
A unique conservation project in Scotland to save one of the world’s rarest animals from extinction has been given a major boost with support from animal...
“Impact investing is coming to the mainstream as society changes and demands to know not just what the financial returns are, but what the social and...
After a career in manufacturing businesses, Mark initiated the RSA Tomorrow’s Company inquiry into ‘the role of business in a changing world’. The resulting report, published in...
In a written statement to Parliament the Rt Hon Patrick McLoughlin MP, Secretary of State for Transport, explained the latest developments on vehicle emissions testing following...
Last night, acclaimed River Cottage chef, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, took to the screen for the concluding episode of his ‘War on Waste’ documentary. Building on last week’s...
A broad partnership of indigenous coalitions and land rights and research organizations today launched LandMark, the first online, interactive global platform to map lands collectively held and...
Schneider Electric breaks new ground with €200M climate bond dedicated to finance low carbon R&D programs and by targeting investors committed on climate change. Schneider Electric,...
Andrew Behar, As You Sow CEO, has 30 years of experience as a Senior Executive and strategist in the clean-tech, communications, and life science sectors. Prior...
Recent changes to the third reading of the Finance Bill have pushed many community energy organisations to launch sooner rather than later to take advantage of...
Pressure is now building for a deal to be reached during OECD negotiations that will be held in Paris during the week of 16 November 2015. Most...