Crowdfunding has become increasingly important as a source of financing for renewable energy, and the platforms are starting to make a real difference. But which are...
Commitment to sustainability has survived through the financial crisis, and has become a core commitment within many organisations. It is still however perceived by many as...
EQ Investors (EQ) the boutique wealth manager led by John Spiers is proud to announce that it has become one of the UK’s founding B Corporations....
PRI in Person 2015 ended at the weekend, having gathered 1,100 delegates for its main programme. The keynote webcasts are now available with PowerPoint presentations from...
Globally, we are fast reaching a tipping point where investment decisions are made holistically, taking into account not only financial but environmental, social, and governance criteria...
Blenheim Palace has installed 196 solar panels which will generate 50kw of electricity per year. Installed at their Bottling Plant and Rural Offices the fitting of...
Continuing business-as-usual may result in increased liability exposure for corporate directors and officers, particularly for companies in Asia. The consequences of boards not taking action on...
The Bonn Challenge aims to restore 150 million hectares of degraded and deforested land by 2020. Commercial bamboo plantations can help achieve these goals by serving...
On this day in 2007 the Northern Rock bank received a liquidity support facility from the Bank of England, sparking a bank run, the United Kingdom’s first in...
Supporting Good Money Week, this seminar has been organised by Investing Ethically (ethical independent financial advisers) to inform attendees about green and socially responsible investments and...
On Tuesday last week we wrote that we knew people were back from holidays as our readership had surged 50%. We spoke too soon. The first full...
“Missed opportunity” as offshore wind farm is denied planning approval. RenewableUK has expressed disappointment that the Energy Minister Lord Bourne has refused planning approval for Navitus Bay...
“Each year the Amazon rainforest is disappearing at the rate of an area equivalent to Belgium, Wales, …” – so ran the headlines 20 years ago. ...
Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services for the first time has simulated the hypothetical ratings effect of natural disasters, and found that rare but calamitous events can...
Two long-established ethical finance organisations have agreed new arrangements that will make more money available to democratic enterprises in disadvantaged communities. Ecology Building Society has lent...