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G7 leaders to discuss climate change goals



Leaders of G7 countries have gathered in the Bavarian Alps to discuss a series of issues – including an agreement on rising global temperatures ahead of UN meeting in Paris later this year.

Leaders of the UK, US, Germany, France, Italy, Japan and Canada started the meeting on Sunday in Schloss Elmau, in Germany. They are expected to talk about a range of issues, such as the economy, terrorism and sustainable development.

Specifically, German Chancellor Angela Merkel wants to agree on limiting rising temperatures to the 2C threshold, in order to have a strong deal ahead of Paris talks in December. She also hopes to increase the support for the Green Climate Fund to help poor countries affected by climate change.

Over the past weekend, between 4,000 and 8,000 environmental and anti-globalisation protestors meet the G7 leaders in Germany, demanding more efforts to tackle climate change and injustices.

Green NGOs have urged David Cameron to push climate action and the zero emissions target by 2050 on top of the agenda at the meeting, honouring the UK’s Climate Change Act.


Dr Stephen Cornelius, WWF-UK’s chief advisor on climate change said, “The G7 countries emit over a quarter of the world’s greenhouse gasses. They also have the technology and ability to move more quickly to a low-carbon economy by increasing energy efficiency and expanding their renewable energy sectors.

“This G7 summit takes place during climate talks in Bonn and is an ideal opportunity to show leadership on the most pressing issue of our time. WWF wants to see the G7 leaders show the rest of the world that they understand the urgency of tackling climate change and are taking real steps to cut their emissions.”

Photo:  Duncan Hull  via flickr

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Further reading:

Global warming has not slowed down, say US scientist

Lack of progress on climate change, says former Shell boss

Ban Ki-Moon calls on governments to invest in low-carbon industry


Low-carbon future ‘imperative’, say investors worth $12trn


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