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David Cameron’s speech to Conservative Conference: reactions



The Prime Minister delivered a typically confident and rousing speech with one brief mention of climate change, no mention of pollution or the environment, Paris, COP21 or the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. There were two brief mentions of the deficit and six standing ovations.

You can read his full speech here.

Financial Times – David Cameron’s speech: FT writers give their verdicts: “In a speech that touched on the Conservatives’ election victory, national security, immigration, relations with the EU, the new Labour leader, home ownership, education and the economy, David Cameron promised a defining decade for Britain — “one which people will look back on and say, ‘that’s the time when the tide turned’.”  Read more.

The Independent – Conservative Party Conference: David Cameron attacks Jeremy Corbyn for being a ‘terrorist-sympathiser’. Read more.

The Telegraph – Conservative conference 2015: David Cameron, social justice warrior. Read more.


BBC – Jeremy Corbyn: David Cameron’s attack shows he’s rattled. Read more.

The Guardian: David Cameron’s conference speech – the Guardian writers’ verdict: “A grab for the centre-left? A party leader at the height of his powers? Why does he cut where he says he cares? Our panellists react to the prime minister’s speech.” Read more.

Sky – Cameron’s Renews Push On Labour Territory. Read more.

The Independent – David Cameron’s solution to the housing crisis: only affordable to those who earn more than £50,000. Read more.


The Mirror – Never trust a smiling Tory: Five things we learned from David Cameron’s speech. Read more.

News Statesman – David Cameron’s speech: a hymn to liberalism from a liberated PM. Read more. & No, David Cameron’s speech was not “left wing”. Read more.

The Spectator – Cameron repositions the Tories as the party of ‘true equality’. Read more.

Friends of the Earth – Head of policy Mike Childs said: “We urgently need to build affordable new homes in the UK – but that mustn’t be at the expense of our environment. Simply building more homes in the countryside won’t solve the affordability crisis, but it will exacerbate the environmental one.


“All new homes should be extremely water and energy efficient, and built in our towns and cities – with easy access to amenities, services and jobs, to avoid climate-wrecking urban sprawl. If the Prime Minister really wants to address the affordability crisis he must tackle the root causes such as housing and land speculation, and rip off landlords.”




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