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Keep Scotland Beautiful consultation reveals significant concern about climate change



Keep Scotland Beautiful has presented Climate Change Minister, Aileen McLeod, with a report containing the views of more than 800 people across Scotland in advance of the United Nations Climate Change Conference which takes place in Paris in December.

The document ‘Conversations About COP21 Summary Report’ concludes the findings of an eight week consultation. During this period Keep Scotland Beautiful worked to increase the Scottish public’s engagement and participation in the global conversation taking place on climate change and to share information with the Scottish Government in advance of the Paris talks.

The consultation undertaken by Keep Scotland Beautiful showed:

– 93% of respondents were concerned about climate change

– 85% of respondents said they would like a new, legally binding international agreement to emerge from the Paris talks


– 84% of respondents agreed that action on climate change will improve people’s quality of life

– 83% of young people responding said they are worried about their future if the pace of action on climate change does not increase

The Summary Report was presented to Aileen McLeod on Wednesday 18th November, at the Scottish Parliament. Following the survey results Keep Scotland Beautiful has called on the Scottish Government to:

– Push for a legally binding commitment at COP21 that will limit global warming to 2°C


– Use a new international agreement as a step towards continued and increased pace of action on climate change in Scotland

– Listen to people’s views on climate change and prioritise action that corresponds to the priorities of the people

– Continue to lead by example, both at COP21 and afterwards

Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform, Aileen McLeod said: “Our future, and that of generations to come, depends upon a successful outcome at the climate change negotiations next month. This consultation will help to ensure that the views of the public will be heard prior to those talks in Paris.


“Climate change affects all of us, and there is a responsibility on each and every one of us to take action. I very much welcome the efforts being made across Scotland so far – although we all must continue to do more to encourage action on climate change.

“In the run up to Paris, I will continue to support the UK, EU and UN efforts to secure a high-ambition treaty by promoting examples of Scottish leadership in tackling climate change and encouraging other nations and regions to step up and embrace the challenge we are all facing.”

Derek Robertson, Chief Executive of Keep Scotland Beautiful said: “The Paris discussions are vital for the future of our country and our planet. Keep Scotland Beautiful is committed to demonstrating leadership and action on climate change.

“Our consultation ensured that people had the opportunity to have their voice heard at this crucial time. We will use the findings in the report to develop new initiatives to support and encourage action on climate change. We hope that the document helps to influence the discussions and push for more meaningful climate action.”


Further information can be accessed here.


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