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State of human rights and business – new report



The report from the Innovation Forum explores current ethical trade and human rights trends facing businesses and how firms are responding. The content of the report provides a great way to stay informed on this very dynamic topic. The briefing is complimentary and you can view the full version here.

The main trends discussed include:

– The new corporate human rights benchmark – The Modern Slavery Act 2015: what the Act requires, how some firms are already responding & the importance of collaboration.

– Fashion brands and living wages: the issue of low wages, need for a living wage & work of the Clean Clothes Campaign.

– Do national plans on business and human rights work? The US government’s consultation plan, The Council of European Union’s urge for national “CSR strategies” & the sharing of best practice.


– Fair pay supply chain challenges: the positive work of IKEA, concerns of extra costs addressed & the benefits of benchmarking.

– An interview with Brent Wilson, global director of workplace rights & human rights at Coca-Cola: how Coca-Cola drives positive human rights practices across their complex organisation.

To view a copy please click here.



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