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The Importance of a Green Home



Humans have a nasty habit of putting off things until “tomorrow.” When it comes to the Earth’s environment and our responsibility to prevent its destruction by our actions, humans have proven to procrastinate at an unprecedented level and rate. Unfortunately for us, and fortunately for the planet, the time has come for these generations of carbon cheques to get cashed.

Industries have the largest role to play in altering the course human activity has placed on the global environment. It’s no secret that 16 tankers and freighters emit as much pollution as all the world’s automobiles combined. With that said, these industries thrive because of the demands placed on them by society at-large.

Thus we have a responsibility to lead greener lives starting at home. It’s there where our children are being raised. They are tomorrow’s minds regarding the role humans will play in solving the problems of climate change crisis and resource shortages. Changing the way people approach ecological and environmental challenges this century is a matter of setting an example:

Big and Small

The opportunities to make a home more green range from inexpensive fun to responsible investments. All lead to more responsible living. For example, families can start a garden in order to produce their own vegetables rather than depend on transported produce. The price to get started is minimal, but the rewards are delicious. Then there are heftier adjustments, such as cool roof work and solar panel installation. These big changes may seem out of the normal household’s price range, but residential solar panel providers typically offer financing. Additionally, flat-roofed homes can be made more energy efficient by simply painting the roof white or some other reflective color.



Minor adjustments to the way we function at home can mean a huge difference in the depth of our carbon footprint. The go-to methods are of course better habits regarding lights, water, and temperature. Avoid leaving lights on in unoccupied parts of the dwelling, keep water usage to a minimum, and leave the thermostat at the same spot all year round. Make these habits easier to carry out by pulling up the window blinds to allow sunlight in, avoiding miser water rules, and making sure everyone has a good supply of sweaters and socks during the winter.


Additional steps can be taken to keep energy costs down to a minimum without interfering with anyone’s quality of life. For example, most refrigerator units release practically all the cold air every time the doors are opened. Chilled items within the fridge allow the air to return to its set temperature faster than it would if the inside of the unit were empty. With that in mind, it’s a good idea to keep the fridge as full as possible. However little “tricks” like this are a balancing act, because purchasing large amounts of food which won’t be eaten before spoilage defeats the purpose. Instead, invest in a series of water pitchers and fill them up. This reduces faucet usage over time while simultaneously providing cold air for the fridge.


The time to get serious about the environment is finally upon us as a species. While big companies are the principal players in the world of carbon emissions, resource depletion, and waste, the role of the average household has never been greater. Every home in the UK and beyond has an obligation to the planet it sits on to reduce energy use and waste. If examples aren’t set, the necessary objectives for combating climate change may never be met.


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