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Blue & Green Daily: Thursday 11 December headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.

UN’s Ban Ki-moon: we must act on climate change now

IEA: oil price slump ‘golden opportunity’ to put price on carbon

Government infrastructure plan could ‘lock in’ greater fossil fuel dependency

France and Germany seek to push back EU car emission target


Campaigners call for wildlife and environment to feature in election manifestos


11 December headlines

Ed Davey calls for transparency on ‘risky’ fossil fuel investments

Britain’s energy secretary has called for tougher rules to be applies to companies holding “risky” fossil fuel assets that could plunge in value because of global action to tackle climate change. Financial Times.


Full scale of platic in the world’s oceans revealed for first time

More than five trillion pieces of plastic, collectively weighing nearly 269,000 tonnes, are floating in the world’s oceans, causing damage throughout the food chain, new research has found. Guardian.

UK poor will need help with energy bills, says CCC

Poor families in the UK will need more help to pay for heating their homes as energy bills rise. A report by the Committee on Climate Change said subsidies for clean energy will add an extra 36p per day onto household bills by 2030. BBC.


High Court: government must pay £6,300 to 41,000 former Northern Rock customers

More than 40,000 British borrowers are in line to get thousands of pounds in compensation after the High Court ruled against former bank Northern Rock in a test case over the wording in past loan documents. Telegraph.

El Nino conditions seen forming by Japan as Pacific warms

El Nino conditions appear to have formed and will probably continue over winter, according to forecaster in Japan, adding to signs that the event that can parch parts of Asia is returning. Bloomberg.



Interesting picks

Island nations are now screaming it: climate change will sink us – Bloomberg

Water woes in Lima: a glimpse of our future? – BBC

Watch: climate change explained in 60 second animation – Telegraph


John Kerry: climate change is now a security issue – Guardian

Photo: Sanja gjenero via Freeimages


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