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Book review: Business as Unusual – Anita Roddick (2000)



Business as Unusual charts the progress of businesswoman Anita Roddick and her company the Body Shop through the 1990s. Roddick looks at the way society views businesses and how we can move towards greater corporate responsibility and accountability.

Roddick is a controversial businesswoman and has often spoken out on issues around corporate responsibility, such as human rights and animal testing. The book ranges from Roddick’s personal experiences to wider observations around businesses, often delving into politics. She sets out her vision of how to create an ethical business that takes wider environmental and social issues into account, whilst demonstrating why it is important to do so.

Speaking about the book and its concept, Roddick said, “In terms of power and influence, you can forget the church, forget politics. There is no more powerful institution in society than business, which is why I believe it is now more important than ever before for business to assume a moral leadership.

“The business of a business should not be about money, it should be about responsibility. It should be about public good, not private greed.”

Business as Unusual gives a unique insight into the world of business and the challenges and benefits of creating a responsible organisation. The honest views of Roddick make this an interesting read for anyone interested in the corporate world and its ethics.


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