National Ethical Investment Week 2012: the best articles from elsewhere
Blue & Green Tomorrow is one of a small number of magazines and news outlets that write about ethical investment all year long. But during this year’s National Ethical Investment Week (NEIW), we’ve been thrilled and humbled with the amount of coverage the issue has got elsewhere on the web.
So in homage to all the good journalism and blogging that has gone on in the past few days, here are some of our favourite articles published during this year’s event.
FT Adviser – Half of investors expect IFAs to offer ‘green’ advice
The Financial Times’ financial adviser publication reported how 58% of adults expected independent financial advisers to be able to give detailed advice and information on green and ethical issues.
Citywire – A beginner’s guide to ethical investment [VIDEO]
Probably our favourite video in NEIW; it’s balanced, fair and positive, explaining what ethical investment actually is and what the issues are that need to be considered when opting for these kind of investments.
Third Sector – It’s time for charities to concentrate on ethical investment
Helen Wildsmith, head of ethical and responsible investment at CCLA, spoke to Blue & Green Tomorrow during NEIW, but also penned an excellent piece for Third Sector, urging charities across the UK to adopt responsible investment strategies.
The Guardian – How to invest ethically
The Guardian approached NEIW by laying out some of the best, most thriving alternative sectors for investment, including rail, agriculture and water.
The Guardian – Ethical investments: a step-by-step guide
We thought this was brilliant; a clear and simple step-by-step guide, aimed at individuals who perhaps hadn’t considered ethical investment before.
The Times – Ethical investing: where to draw the line? (paywall)
This was an interesting angle by The Times, which looked at what point companies and sector can be classified as ethical, sustainable or responsible.
The Times – Making ethical choices clear (paywall)
Another good piece from The Times. Mark Bridge looked at the definition of the term ‘ethical’, and how it can be used to describe investments.
Daily Mail – Save cash – and the planet: How ethical investors can have principles and still make a profit
We were very pleased with this piece from the Daily Mail. The headline alone is sure to grab much attention from mainstream investors who thought the exact opposite.
The Independent – You can be ethical and get decent returns
Another piece – this time from The Independent – that looked to abolish the biggest misconception that strangles the ethical investment sector’s growth.
This is Money – Make money from being good: Four share share tips from a strong-performing ethical fund manager
Ecclesiastical fund manager Sue Round appears in our Guide to Sustainable Investment, but she also wrote a piece for the Daily Mail’s This is Money site, providing tips to would-be ethical investors.
Huffington Post – Green and Ethical Investment Has Hit the Mainstream, Now Innovation Must Drive it Forward
UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association chief executive, Penny Shepherd, spoke to Blue & Green Tomorrow during NEIW about the exact themes outlined in this guest article for the Huffington Post.
The Sun – Only way is ethics
We were as surprised as anyone when we saw an article in The Sun about ethical investment. And we were even more surprised, and in fact rather chuffed, about it labelling us as “a helpful site”.
There were, of course, some, shall we say, less positive articles about ethical investment that reared their ugly heads in the past week. These were untimely, often unbalanced and mostly rife with prejudice.
As we wrote, sniping at ethical investment is a particularly odd sport during National Ethical Investment Week. We think they’re just bitter.
National Ethical Investment Week runs until Saturday, October 20. Join the movement on Twitter using the hashtag #NEIW12.
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