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Best Natural and Eco-Friendly Ways to Treat Dog Ailments



We have talked before about the importance of being an eco-friendly pet owner. You need to find ways to take care of your pet without leaving a large carbon footprint.

We previously mentioned seven great tips to be a more sustainable pet owner. We talked about using natural food, buying DIY toys, getting more durable furniture and recycling their waste.

These are all great ways to lower your carbon footprint as a pet owner. However, you will also need to consider some other ways to be a sustainable pet owner to address issues that you don’t encounter as often.

One eco-friendly pet ownership idea is to find natural remedies for dog ailments. This can be a great way to lower your carbon footprint.


Using Natural Treatments for Dog Ailments to Lower Your Environmental Footprint

As a devoted and eco-friendly pet parent, all you want in life is for your cherished pet to be as okay as possible, always. You ensure that they have the right food for their size and breed, play with them often to ensure they are happy and content, and ensure that their dental health is in top condition. So, what happens if you are faced with the unfortunate position that your pet has developed an ailment which requires treatment? Martha Stewart recommended a number of them, which can be helpful for lowering your carbon footprint.

Suppose you are a green-conscious member of society. In that case, you are probably searching for natural options and considering the traditional route of getting your pet assessed by a vet – if the condition worsens. Animal Planet has a good list, but you should look at the following for some additional ideas.

When finding yourself searching for natural products to treat several ailments, you have come to the right place! We have detailed a helpful list of affordable, natural solutions to any conditions that your dog might be experiencing. Kick back and relax and read on for more! There is something here suitable for any budget.

Dry and Flaky Skin

Just like us humans, dogs can experience bouts of dry and flaky skin, mainly if they spend a lot of time outside. The only difference is that dogs can’t just administer some sort of moisturizer when recognizing their skin is dry; that responsibility lies with you as their devoted pet parent. While using moisturizer on your dog is not advised, several other options can be used to successfully treat this condition. Natural remedies include the likes of Vitamin E oil, which can not only be used on dry skin but can also be used to treat a variety of other skin conditions: including warts, calluses, and other related dry spots.


Unlike standard moisturizing treatments, there is no need to worry if your dog is to ingest a small amount of the oil, as it is known to be good for them. Dry and flaky skin occurs when your dog is not getting a lot of Vitamin E in their diet. Using the oil directly on their skin or giving them a supplement daily will ensure that any dog is getting the right levels of this vital nutrient, especially if they lack it.

A further way of treating minor irritations on the skin is by using Chamomile Tea. Known for its soothing properties, you can lightly spritz chamomile tea on any red skin you have noticed on your dog, alleviating any irritation and itchiness. Of course, you will need to wait for the tea to have cooled or have it stored in the refrigerator before use. Furthermore, chamomile tea can also be used to soothe any upset stomachs that your dog might be experiencing. Adding a small amount to your dog’s food at mealtimes will help digestion and relax any muscle spasms.

Ticks and Parasites

Any pet parents’ worst nightmare is knowing that some blood-sucking parasite lives on their beloved companion, mainly if it is a tick. Generally, ticks themselves are not dangerous; it is the illnesses and diseases that they spread, which can be dangerous, including the most common one of Lyme Disease. When a tick has first bitten your dog, it takes approximately 24-36 hours for the transmission of disease to happen.

If you remove the tick from your dog before this time limit, you should be okay, but there are things you can do to prevent and deter ticks and other parasites from latching onto your dog in the future. There are several natural solutions on the market which are safe for preventing ticks on dogs, including oils and ointments from companies like Bella and Duke. To find out more about how these natural ointments work, and for more information on how to safely remove ticks from your dog, check out this guide to deal with ticks on dogs.


While ticks are often a pesky thing to get rid of, we cannot forget to mention their internal counterpart: worms. As someone who knows their pet better than anyone, you will probably know the signs of worms like the back of your hand. For those unsure of the symptoms and our new pet parents out there, the main symptoms include loss of appetite, bloating, worms and eggs visible in feces, and just general lethargy.

While it can be hard to find the right treatment for worms that isn’t full of additives, there are several natural solutions out there also, including some that your dog will love! Carrots are a great way of treating worms in your canine companion, as they scrape away the mucus inside your pooch as they are being digested, as a result, leaving nowhere for the worms to hide. Not to mention, your dog will also be getting a delicious snack, a fair amount of Vitamin A, and a whole other range of nutrients.

Treating Diarrhea

Having diarrhea as a human is an unpleasant experience, and the same can be said for your pooch too. As their pet parent, you want to make sure they are as comfortable as they can be during these times, not to mention ensuring that there are as minimal accidents as possible. Furthermore, you want to make sure that your dog remains hydrated, as it is common knowledge that diarrhea can cause certain dehydration levels. Most dogs who experience diarrhea tend to get over the symptoms in a few days, but you should monitor signs of dehydration after one day as a pet owner. When we have diarrhea, using electrolyte-replacing liquids is an excellent way of replacing fluids as a human. But a little-known fact is that these types of liquids are safe to use on your dogs too! Naturally, you will need to consult a vet before administering the fluids, but it is sure to make a difference in no time.

Managing Potential Wounds

No pet parent wants to be facing the prospect that their precious pooch has developed a wound, whether from being too rough while playing with other dogs or by getting into an unfortunate accident. If you find yourself in this position, natural remedies can be used to treat the wound and make sure it is clean while it is in the healing process. As humans, we use salty water and other remedies to get deep into a wound and clean out any infection; the same can also be done for dogs. Epsom Salts are generally used for soothing achy muscles but can be safely used to treat any wounds that your dog might have. With its anti-inflammatory properties, you can be sure that your dog will be back on its feet in no time! Epsom Salts are frequently used on horses’ feet and between the toes of dogs also. It is advised to use a soothing Epsom Salt mixture around three times a day to ensure that the wound is encouraged to heal as much as possible.


There are several other natural solutions out there for many different ailments that your dog might be experiencing. At the same time, it is always good to do your research and to try things at home yourself. However, if you are finding that your dog is in a severe condition, or if nothing is helping to ease their condition, always seek out the assistance of a professional.


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